23 March, 2023

Seniors Xmas tipple March 23rd 2023 Report via Mike Healey

Seniors - Another good day in the Senior calendar. What should have been the Xmas Tipple eventually arrived, everybody tippled on the ninth tee but nobody toppled on this occasion. The weather Gods allowed the competition to be played but one heavy shower, followed by a series of smaller ones just kept us on our toes. The sun eventually came out and warm conditions prevailed - that would not have happpened for the Xmas bash. The only items missing were the complimentary mince pies but I'm not sure if they were still edible from December. At this point I would add my thanks to Mike Hollings for making the spot markers with printed score sheets, which can be used in the future and also to Steve Monk for his help with the bottle prizes. 42 members entered the tally draw for the Pairs Betterball kitty competition, some with silly hats to gain extra points. 15 holes were played with hole closures on 2, 6 and 7. There were 20 cards with 30 points or more, meaning scoring was tight, plus a further 7 extra spot prizes on a variety of holes and 6 prizes in the ball sweep - read on for results: Pairs Betterball Results: First: Les Williams and Mick Carnell 39 points (c/b) Cash plus Bottles of Wine Second: Peter Bowen and Peter Taylor 39 points (c/b) Cash Third: Ernie Williams and Richard Collier 38 points Cash Fourth: Tom Pierce and Nigel Davies 37 points (c/b) Cash Fifth: Reg Peacock and Mike Healey 37 points (c/b) Cash Ball Sweep Results - Prize for 2's: Malcolm Williams, Mike Hollings (both on 1st), Richard Collier (12th), Dave Palferman (17th) and Damian Atkin x 2 (on 1st and 12th) - all Cash Spot Prizes: Nearest Pin on 1: Damian Atkin Mini Wine Nearest Pin on 5: Chris Jacques Mini Wine Longest Drive on 9: Russ Adamson Mini Wine Nearest Pin in 2 on 9: Ernie Williams Mini Wine Nearest Pin on 12: Richard Collier Mini Wine Nearest Pin on 17: Dave Palferman Mini Wine Nearest Pin in 2 on 18: Alan Barnsdale Mini Wine

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Seniors - This report dovetails with Stuart's usual report on today's golf (Winter League Round 6 - Final Round). We have done well ...