29 November, 2022

Winter League round one and report from Mike Healey

Before the Winter League result, can I remind everyone about the Texas Scramble next Tuesday, followed by the Seniors AGM immediately afterwards. Our Winter League has unfortunately had a delayed start this year, with the recent inclement weather prevailing and the result was a number of postponements. Although somewhat chilly, the sun came out and Round 1 began with a bang this morning when 35 members entered the tally draw. The December calendar has a number of specific events and competitions, so further Winter League rounds will take place in January / February. For any newcomers, the first / best 10 cards are allocated 1 - 10 points towards the Winter League final prize. It is also a kitty comp and there were 7 prizes on offer today - please find all 10 winners below. Winter League - Round 1 Results: First: Wyn Jenkins 32 points (c/b) (10 WL pts) Second: Bill Kelleher 32 points (c/b) (9 WL pts) Third: Richard Collier 31 points (c/b) (8 WL pts) Fourth: Ernie Williams 31 points (c/b) (7 WL pts) Fifth: Andy Mitchell 29 points (c/b) (6 WL pts) Sixth: Barry Dare 29 points (c/b) (5 WL pts) Seventh: Alan Barnsdale 28 points (c/b) (4 WL pts) Eighth: Gareth Thomas 28 points (c/b) (3 WL pts) Ninth: Don Wraight 28 points (c/b) (2 WL pts) Tenth: Peter Taylor 28 points (c/b) (1 WL pt)

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Seniors - This report dovetails with Stuart's usual report on today's golf (Winter League Round 6 - Final Round). We have done well ...