13 May, 2022

Home match vs Old Padeswood and kitty competition May 1th 2022. Report from Mike Healey

A good day for all of our members who played in the home match against Old Padeswood. The weather held throughout, although the breeze did increase mid-morning, making conditions somewhat chilly at one stage. The course was in very good condition and the opposition were not only complimentary about conditions but a very sociable bunch to play against. Congratulations must go to the team, as we have continued with our winning ways in defeating the opposition by 9 matches to 1. Hayley provided a very good 2 course meal (as usual) and the conviviality flowed. The opposition Ladies Captain turned out to support her team (without playing) and with speeches from captains and prizes at the end, the whole day was a complete success. Raffle bottles of wine were won by Ron Braid (OP) and another OP member whose name escapes me. 2’s golfballs in the ball sweep were won by Andy Turner (OP), Alan Bottomley and Mick Carnell. Our thanks also go to Tom Pierce for donning the mantle and taking on the responsibility for organisation in Mal Williams’ absence. Well done all. And for those Clays members not involved in the match…………. An impromptu kitty comp transpired with Steve Monk leading from the front – almost literally!! 11 seniors put their tallies up on the board and an individual game of Stableford took place: Stableford Kitty Comp First: Peter Taylor 37 points Second: Wynn Jenkins 35 points Third: Steve Monk 34 points

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Seniors - This report dovetails with Stuart's usual report on today's golf (Winter League Round 6 - Final Round). We have done well ...