07 March, 2022

Captains News letter March 2022

Well, dry January has swiftly been followed by a stormy February. Goodbye to Dudley, Eunice and Franklin lookout for Gladys, Herman and Imani. We should all hope that storm Willemien does not arrive anytime soon! Your vice-captain Don and I had the pleasure of attending the AGM of the Denbighshire Golfing Union (DGU) held at Denbigh golf club earlier this month. A presentation to the winners of the respective DGU competitions held throughout the 2021 season formed a significant part of the AGM. Once again, our golf club won some significant competitions. Congratulations to all those who had success in the DGU competitions last year. Can I ask all members to keep checking the notice boards for sign-up sheets for the DGU competitions to be held this coming season including, Spring Meeting, DGU Team, Jubilee Plate etc? The DGU, like other golfing unions and golf clubs, are struggling to attract volunteers to fill council posts. The DGU has vacancies for a Treasurer and a Competition Secretary currently. It is clear from the discussions held at the AGM that the future of the union is under threat if it cannot attract volunteers from the nine participating clubs to fill positions on the council. Should any member wish to volunteer for either of the above posts please contact Don Wraight. The DGU has entered into preliminary discussions with Flintshire, who are similarly struggling to attract volunteers from the 11 participating clubs, about possible joint working in the future. The scope of co-operation will be discussed at meetings of the DGU council in the near future. That reminds me, we are still short of a volunteer to take over form Paul Lloyd as our club Competition Secretary. As noted in last month’s newsletter, this position provides the post holder with the opportunity to make a positive contribution to the running of the members section. It also provides a seat on the Club Council that meets to discuss current issues and make long term plans on the first Tuesday of each month. As you can see attending one meeting each month is not an enormous commitment, so why not give it a go? A nomination form has been posted on the notice board. Finally, can I ask that any member who intends to attend the Captains Last Supper buy their tickets as soon as possible? In order to ensure sufficient food and drink is available on the night Hayley needs to confirm numbers by Friday 11th March. Enjoy your golf and stay safe. Dave Palferman Captain 20221 dpalferman@gmail.com

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Seniors - This report dovetails with Stuart's usual report on today's golf (Winter League Round 6 - Final Round). We have done well ...