18 November, 2021

Tango kitty competition result November 18th 2021 from Mike Healey

Another mild, if not warm day for one of our kitty comps. We have all played a "Waltz" during the course of our calendar year but I think this was our first "Tango" to date. There appeared to be a little confusion at the outset but the troops soon got into the scoring and it all became somewhat frenetic over the last three holes, when all four members of the team needed to contribute a score. 44 seniors set out in fourballs and it was calculated that around about 100 points were required to be in the frame at the end. No fewer than six teams returned 100+ - the remaining five were not far behind, but there were only three prizes!! Please find result below: Tango - Fourballs First: Stewart Poole, Barry Dare, Dave Jones, Peter Taylor 109 points £6.00 each Second: Jon Falcus, Tom Blackshaw, Malcolm Williams, Tony Jackson 105 points £3.00 each Third: Mike Healey, Nigel Harris, John Slater, Richard Collier 103 points c/b £2.00 each Footnote - The November calendar has disappeared from the board so I am attaching another copy. Mike Healey

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Seniors - This report dovetails with Stuart's usual report on today's golf (Winter League Round 6 - Final Round). We have done well ...