01 November, 2021

Captains Newsletter October 2021

Thankfully, the weather has been warm and relatively dry this October. This is reflected in the excellent condition of our course, especially the greens. Thanks to Mark and his team for presenting the course in excellent condition for this time of year. It is good to see the continued course improvement work primarily on and around the sixteenth green. Hopefully, this will result in more holes being in play this winter. As mentioned last month, the season continued into early October. Therefore, I start with an update on the results. The ladies won the Borders Challenge and thus retain the trophy for a further year. The Clays Past Captains trophy was won by Nigel Davies with a stableford score of 46pts. I believe Nigel is growing a moustache for in aid of the MOVEMBER charity, most appropriate! Clays performed a clean sweep in the Jubilee Plate finals held over 36 holes at Vale of Llangollen Golf Club. The winners were Aled Bonds & Kev Jones, runners-up Graham Davidson-Clarke & Paul Stevenson and third place Richard Collier & your Captain. Congratulations to all those members who won a trophy this year. Thanks to all members who participated in the Presentation Day competition prize giving. A personal thanks goes to the 31 members who supported my Captains Away Day held at Maesdu Golf Club Llandudno. A special thanks to Tom Pierce for organising the transport. The golf course was in fantastic condition and thankfully it was not too windy. The friendly conditions being reflected in the scores. The inaugural winner of the Captains Away Day trophy was Stuart Harrison with a score of 43pts that included an eagle on the par 5 18th. The best score by a lady was won by Kim Harcombe. Nearest to the pin on the 1st hole was won by Frank Rodenhurst. Of course, not everyone can be a winner, “the only way is up” trophy, otherwise known as the wooden spoon, was won, if that’s the correct terminology, by Russ Adamson. Thanks again, to everyone for being good sports and making it a special day. Although the white tees have been put away for the winter this does not mean competition are over. There are various competitions to keep members occupied during the winter months. Keep an eye out for the Turkey Trott competitions where turkeys and drinks are on offer for the winners, could save a trip to Tesco (other supermarkets are available). The 11th November is Remembrance Day when the Senior section hold their annual memorial competition. There will also be a collection, contributions welcome from all members, in aid of the Royal British Legion. Posters around the club will provide details of how you can donate. Looking further ahead, tickets are available for the members Xmas party. This event will be a soul night organised by Hayley, who has promised to do her, not to be missed, party piece! The party will be on Saturday 11th December. Get your tickets from Hayley. Until next time, take care and stay safe. Dave Palferman

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Seniors - This report dovetails with Stuart's usual report on today's golf (Winter League Round 6 - Final Round). We have done well ...