02 August, 2021

Captains Newsletter July 2021

July has been a busy month for competitions with another round of board comps, inter club matches, Jubilee Plate etc. There seems to be an additional competition as to who can play golf on the most consecutive days. I know of two seniors who have played 8 days on the bounce in a mixture of competitions. If you have done more, well done especially considering the hot weather. However, as I write this it is raining heavily outside, so the greens may be a little more receptive by the weekend. A big thanks from Lady Captain Christine and myself to all members who supported us on our Captains Day. A little apology for the pin positions. It is the first time in 23 years as a club member I have been allowed to choose the pin positions; now you know why! Thanks to head greenkeeper Mark for his advice (share the blame). Also, thanks to Josh and Russ for their help on the day. A big thanks to everyone who contributed to the charity raffle in aid of the Alzheimer’s Society. Approximately £200 was raised. Congratulations go to the competition winners: Mens Barry Dare; Ladies Jane Evans & Seniors Phil Morris. The Senior Championship Senior took place on 20th and 22nd July. Congratulations to Alan Bottomley who scored 74 stableford points over the two rounds. Last weekend (24th & 25th) saw good participation in the club championship. Thanks to Mark and the green staff for presenting the course in such good condition. However, after experiencing the pin positions on Sunday I think I might retract my earlier apology. Congratulations to the winners; Mens Club Champion, Andy Ward (155 gross); Rowland Cup Chris Bell (136 nett); Ladies Club Champion Challenge Bowl, Jane Evans (171 gross); Harcombe Trophy Shirley Roberts (146 nett) Looking forward, August will be nearly as busy as July. Dates for the diary include, for those of a qualifying age (55+), the Senior Open on Thursday 12 August. If you are eligible, please support this big day in the senior calendar. Why not invite your friends from other clubs to compete for the various prizes on what is sure to be a great day. Book your tee at golf reception. President’s day will be held on Saturday 21st August. This is an honours board competition and will be a shotgun start at 9.30am. There will be on-course refreshments. The competition will be followed by a short presentation to the winners in the bar afterwards. Please print your name on the sign-up sheet placed on the notice board in the foyer of the club house. Captains Charity Day, in aid of the Alzheimer’s Society, will take place on Sunday 29th August. This will be a fun competition for teams of 3 or 4 players, entry fee £10/player with all proceeds going to the charity. There will also be additional prizes to be announced nearer the date. If any member or a company known to a member wishes to sponsor a prize or a hole on the course for the day, please contact me via email or phone. We will also be holding a charity raffle on the day, anyone wishing to donate a prize please leave it at golf reception or bring it with you on the day. The competition will be a shotgun start at 9.00am. Please print your name on the sign-up sheet placed on the notice board in the foyer of the club house. Finally, a plea from green staff and members alike, now that Covid restrictions on golf have been lifted, please rake the bunkers. Until next time, enjoy your golf and stay safe. Dave Palferman Captain 2021 dpalferman@gmail.com

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Seniors - This report dovetails with Stuart's usual report on today's golf (Winter League Round 6 - Final Round). We have done well ...