29 August, 2021

D J Bogie August 26th 2021

First: Liam Roberts +5 Second: Bob Brown + 3 Third: Michael Carnell +3

Presidents Day August 21st 2021

First: Pamela Griffiths 39 points
Second: Gareth Roberts 38 points Third: Paul Hardy 37 points

Recent kitty competitions and D J Bogie results from Mike Healey August 2021

Seniors – Firstly, I would like to thank the other committee members for keeping the kitty comps going during my absence. Some of the cards were kept and I have a couple of results for you, following my sojourn. The D J Bogie was swapped with a Pairs Both to Count because of drainage groundwork and it is these two comps I can now report: Thursday 19th August – Pairs Both to Count – Forty members took part and pressure was placed on partners to keep up a good score. There were quite a number of cards around the 66/67 mark but they were not good enough on the day. The winning scores were as follows: First: Barry Dare and Alan Bottomley 79 points £7.00 each Second: Alan Barnsdale and Peter Fraser 74 points £5.00 each Third: Cliff Davies and Bob Jarvis 71 Points £4.00 each Fourth: Tom McGrady and Russ Adamson 70 points £3.00 each Fifth: Tony Harcombe and Dilly Jones 69 points £1.00 each Thursday 26th August – D J Bogie – As it says in the name, this was a bogey competition and just like Marmite, you like it or leave it. It is not everybody’s cup of tea but 35 Seniors entered and commenced battle. Conditions were cloudy but warm and the sun came through once again, late morning. There are no divisions for this competition so I am reporting top nine and the rest are on Howdidido: First: Liam Roddis +5 Second: Bob Brown +3 (c/b) Third: Mick Carnell +3 (c/b) Fourth: Bob Jarvis +3 (c/b) Fifth: Mike Drake +2 (c/b) Sixth: Dilly Jones +2 (c/b) Dave Fergus, Nigel Davies and Dave A Jones all scored +1. The rest of the field scored par or bogeys.

22 August, 2021

News about Stewart Poole and Barry Dare August 22nd 2021

News about Stewart Poole Stewart along with Brian Heaton won the Priors Hayes Seniors Pairs open with 49 points . There were lots of entrants going out from 8am until about 2.30pm Barry Dare playing at Clays won pairs both scores counting with his partner Alan Bottomley.

14 August, 2021

Clays Seniors Open August 12th 2021 report from Mike Healey. Photos will be added later

Clays Senior's Open - Result and Report Seniors - The "Glorious 12th" came and went and we are not talking grouse shooting here! On your behalf, the senior committee worked hard yesterday, for our Seniors Open and what a roaring success it was for everybody. Lots of great comments concerning the whole operation were forthcoming, especially on the running of the competition. 65 Clays members and 41 visiting club members coming from Wrexham, Llangollen, Padeswood & Buckley, Pryors Hayes, Arscott and Hawarden all took part. The Committee would like to thank all visitors for their support and participation in the event and further hope that we can all meet up again in 2022. Having thanked the visitors - there are, of course, a number of thank yous due elsewhere. Firstly, there were quite a few contributions from you (our senior members) to make up a generous raffle, which always makes money, especially if "Del Boy" Don is selling the tickets - did anybody actually see the "Speedboat" prize? Steve reports a bumper profit on the raffle (figures to follow). Our thanks go out to you as members for supporting with raffle prizes, taking part in the comp and for any other contributions that you made. A massive thank you goes to Mark and the green keeper's team - the course was closed for three hours on Wednesday for extra preparation and I'm sure we all appreciated the effort that had gone into it. There were a dozen players from Arscott, who paid particular attention to the course being immaculate. They waxed lyrical about the club set up, the food and bar afterwards (another thank you to Hayley) and generally acknowledged that they would return to Clays for other competitions. They are even booking Clays for their forthcoming Captain's Away Day . There was also a sterling effort made by Chris, who manned the desk all day for payment / handicap checking etc and Tom, as early morning "Mr Starter" for his shift, not to mention Steve with his totting up of the takings in the afternoon.The biggest thank you must go to Don for overseeing everything from the outset. He "drove" us on to sign up (or should that read - drove us mad?) for the occasion. He e-mailed a myriad of clubs to advertise the Open, made thorough checks with Mark regarding the course beforehand and further checks with Josh on prizes. He prepared the cards / scoreboard in advance and oversaw detailed checks and organisation on the day. He then proceeded to sell us all raffle tickets for the "Boat!" Well done Don - magnificent effort. What about a result you ask. Warm weather with a slight breeze was the order of the day. Course conditions were fantastic and the greens were like lightning with some fairly difficult pin positions. 106 golfers took part in the comp and the following prizes were awarded. The points scores were considerably lower than our normal Pairs Betterball results but the prizes were well worth it - Roll on Clays Senior Open 2022 Results: First: Andy MacDougal & Paul Davies (Clays) 40pts (c/b) £100 each Second: Colin Brown & Nigel Davies (Clays) 40pts (c/b) £60 each Third: William Jones & Dave Jones (Padeswood & Buckley) 39 pts (c/b) £40 each Nearest the Pin (5th): Steve Jones (Padeswood & Buckley) £20 Nearest Pin in Two (18th): Guests only Steve Jones (Padeswood & Buckley) £20 Nearest the Line (10th): Vic King (Arscott G.C) £20

10 August, 2021

Pairs Betterball results from Mike Healey August 10th 2021

Seniors - what have we done that is good to deserve all this good weather on Kitty comp mornings? Another glorious morning, but I have to say, some rather mediocre scores in the Pairs Betterball. In line with WHS we did apply the 85% handicap ruling this time and that might have had some effect, still all good practice for our Senior's Open on Thursday. At the end of play we still required some count back. The golf flowed from no fewer than 36 seniors and the camaraderie and banter was once again commented on, back in the bar area. Pairs Betterball result: First: Mike Scott and Alan Barnsdale 44 points (c/b) £7.00 each Second: Bill Kelleher and Keith Jones 44 points (c/b) £5.00 each Third: Jon Falcus and Mick Carnell 39 points (c/b) £4.00 each Fourth: Stewart Poole and Tom Pierce 39 points (c/b) £2.00 each

06 August, 2021

Seniors Medal August 5th 2021

DIVISION ONE 1. Damain Atkin 85-20= 65 2. Nigel Davies 85-19= 66 3. Dave Palfermna 86-15= 69 DIVISION TWO 1. Harold Hughes 90- 26= 64 2. Michael Scott 89-21=68 3. Tom McGrady 93-24= 69 DIVISION THREE 1. Colin Evans 104-36=68 2. Peter Bowen 105-37= 68 3. Alan Pocklington 106-36= 70 Using his driver Harold Hughes had an ace at the 2nd hole
2's were recorded by Chris Jacques at the 12th, Tom McGrady at the 5th and George Hughes also at the 5th

03 August, 2021

Bonus Ball August 3rd 2021. Results from Mike Healey.

Seniors - there was a change in the calendar today - 35 intrepid golfers turned up and played a Bonus Ball. We played a Pairs Betterball last week and we have inserted another Pairs Betterball next Tuesday, in preparation for the Senior Open on the 12th August (there are still tees available for this event). Because of the odd number we once again split into two competitions. We were blessed with the weather - dry sunny conditions with a very light breeze and no excuses for poor golf. We concluded the tally draw on time and all got away early from the clubhouse, but even better, most groups were back in under four hours making the presentation of prizes at 1.30pm. There were two prizes for each section. Bonus Ball Result: Threeball First: Peter Taylor, Billy Spilsted, Mike Healey 140 points £4.00 each Second: Bill Kelleher, Tony Jackson, Alan Bottomley 129 points £1.00 each Third: Mike Hollings, Jon Falcus, Barry Evans 126 points Bonus Ball Result: Fourball First: Colin Brown, Tom McGrady, Alan Barnsdale, Liam Roddis 175 points £4.00 each Second: Mike Scott, Tony Owens, Les Williams, Ernie Williams 168 points £1.00 each Third: Keith Jones, Colin Evans, Dave Jones, Bob Jarvis 161 points

02 August, 2021

Captains Newsletter July 2021

July has been a busy month for competitions with another round of board comps, inter club matches, Jubilee Plate etc. There seems to be an additional competition as to who can play golf on the most consecutive days. I know of two seniors who have played 8 days on the bounce in a mixture of competitions. If you have done more, well done especially considering the hot weather. However, as I write this it is raining heavily outside, so the greens may be a little more receptive by the weekend. A big thanks from Lady Captain Christine and myself to all members who supported us on our Captains Day. A little apology for the pin positions. It is the first time in 23 years as a club member I have been allowed to choose the pin positions; now you know why! Thanks to head greenkeeper Mark for his advice (share the blame). Also, thanks to Josh and Russ for their help on the day. A big thanks to everyone who contributed to the charity raffle in aid of the Alzheimer’s Society. Approximately £200 was raised. Congratulations go to the competition winners: Mens Barry Dare; Ladies Jane Evans & Seniors Phil Morris. The Senior Championship Senior took place on 20th and 22nd July. Congratulations to Alan Bottomley who scored 74 stableford points over the two rounds. Last weekend (24th & 25th) saw good participation in the club championship. Thanks to Mark and the green staff for presenting the course in such good condition. However, after experiencing the pin positions on Sunday I think I might retract my earlier apology. Congratulations to the winners; Mens Club Champion, Andy Ward (155 gross); Rowland Cup Chris Bell (136 nett); Ladies Club Champion Challenge Bowl, Jane Evans (171 gross); Harcombe Trophy Shirley Roberts (146 nett) Looking forward, August will be nearly as busy as July. Dates for the diary include, for those of a qualifying age (55+), the Senior Open on Thursday 12 August. If you are eligible, please support this big day in the senior calendar. Why not invite your friends from other clubs to compete for the various prizes on what is sure to be a great day. Book your tee at golf reception. President’s day will be held on Saturday 21st August. This is an honours board competition and will be a shotgun start at 9.30am. There will be on-course refreshments. The competition will be followed by a short presentation to the winners in the bar afterwards. Please print your name on the sign-up sheet placed on the notice board in the foyer of the club house. Captains Charity Day, in aid of the Alzheimer’s Society, will take place on Sunday 29th August. This will be a fun competition for teams of 3 or 4 players, entry fee £10/player with all proceeds going to the charity. There will also be additional prizes to be announced nearer the date. If any member or a company known to a member wishes to sponsor a prize or a hole on the course for the day, please contact me via email or phone. We will also be holding a charity raffle on the day, anyone wishing to donate a prize please leave it at golf reception or bring it with you on the day. The competition will be a shotgun start at 9.00am. Please print your name on the sign-up sheet placed on the notice board in the foyer of the club house. Finally, a plea from green staff and members alike, now that Covid restrictions on golf have been lifted, please rake the bunkers. Until next time, enjoy your golf and stay safe. Dave Palferman Captain 2021 dpalferman@gmail.com


Seniors - This report dovetails with Stuart's usual report on today's golf (Winter League Round 6 - Final Round). We have done well ...