28 July, 2021

Pairs Betterball Tuesday July 27th Report from Mike Healey

Another good day for the Seniors. Sixteen members went off with Malcolm Williams' team to contest a match with Hawarden GC, which promised to be a little thin on the ground back home. The Tally draw was re-introduced and 24 seniors making a swift start, took part in a Pairs Betterball. The forecast was for light showers coming in at 11.00am but despite the thunder claps around the place, the rain did not materialize until nearly 2.00pm. All remained dry but even more so the course. The greens are still fast and true with some tight pins remaining from the Club Championship at the weekend. It all led to some good scores - Tally draw again on Thursday for a "Tango". Today's Result: Pairs Betterball: First: Colin Brown and Bob Jarvis 46pts £6.00 each Second: Dave Jones and Bob Brown 45pts £4.00 each Third: Stewart Poole and Nigel Harris 44pts £2.00 each

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Seniors - This report dovetails with Stuart's usual report on today's golf (Winter League Round 6 - Final Round). We have done well ...