29 July, 2021

Waltz/Tango result from Mike Healey July 29th 2021

Seniors - the weather gods are with us. Dry and warm conditions were very pleasant to play in today, although a gusty breeze meant that quite a few shots went astray. The greens were true and the fairways look better than ever. 39 members turned out for the tally draw, so we played 5 x threeballs in a Waltz competition and 6 x fourballs in a Tango competition. Please find Results below: Waltz Result: First: Dilly Jones, Mike Scott, Mike Hollings 77 points £4.00 each Second: Damian Atkin, Peter Taylor, Mick Carnell 71 points £1.00 each Tango Result: First: Colin Evans, Jon Falcus, Peter Bowen, Graham Bryne 111 points £4.00 each Second: Stewart Poole, Russ Adamson, Bob Jarvis, Harry Collins 93 points £2.00 each

28 July, 2021

Clays Seniors away match Result at Hawarden courtesy of Malcolm Williams July 27th 2021

Clays Seniors maintained their unbeaten run this season with a 5 and a half - 2 and a half win away at Hawarden. Players were uncertain after a few holes whether the rounds would be completed as there was thunder all around but thankfully no lightning. All matches finished although we did get a soaking for our troubles. Hawarden were having a major problem with electrics in the Clubhouse but they managed to entertain really well in a local hostelry. Malcolm

Pairs Betterball Tuesday July 27th Report from Mike Healey

Another good day for the Seniors. Sixteen members went off with Malcolm Williams' team to contest a match with Hawarden GC, which promised to be a little thin on the ground back home. The Tally draw was re-introduced and 24 seniors making a swift start, took part in a Pairs Betterball. The forecast was for light showers coming in at 11.00am but despite the thunder claps around the place, the rain did not materialize until nearly 2.00pm. All remained dry but even more so the course. The greens are still fast and true with some tight pins remaining from the Club Championship at the weekend. It all led to some good scores - Tally draw again on Thursday for a "Tango". Today's Result: Pairs Betterball: First: Colin Brown and Bob Jarvis 46pts £6.00 each Second: Dave Jones and Bob Brown 45pts £4.00 each Third: Stewart Poole and Nigel Harris 44pts £2.00 each

23 July, 2021

Seniors 2 day challenge 2nd day July 22nd 2021 including overall result

Division 1 First: Alan Bottomley 40 points Second: Damian Atkin 35 points Third: David Palferman 35 points Division 2 First : Keith Jones 39 points Second: Steve Monk 38 points Third: Leslie Williams 36 points ********************************************* Overall result aggregate First: Alan Bottomley 34 + 40 = 74 Second: Keith Jones 34 + 39 = 73 Third: Steve Monk 32+ 38 = 70

22 July, 2021

Seniors Competitions August 2021

SENIORS COMPETITIONS AUGUST 2021 DATE KITTY COMPS – BLUE COMMENTS OTHER COMPS – BLACK Tuesday 3rd Aug PAIRS BETTERBALL Tally Thursday 5th Aug AUGUST MEDAL (Strokeplay) (Men - White Tees; Ladies - Red) plus 9-HOLE COMPETITION (Yellow tees) Book in advance via noticeboard / phone Don or reception for late entries Tuesday 10th Aug BONUS BALL Tally Thursday 12th Aug CLAYS SENIORS OPEN - PAIRS BETTERBALL Entry Fees - £8.00 members / £12.00 non-members. First Prize - £100.00 each and many other prizes including raffle Tuesday 17th Aug PRIORS HAYES OPEN See Tony Harcombe for details Tuesday 17th Aug HOME PLAYERS TBD Kitty Comp decided on the day depending on numbers - Tally Thursday 19th Aug D. J. BOGIE' COMPETITION Format = Bogey, Yellow Tees Book in advance via noticeboard / phone Don or reception for late entries Saturday 21st Aug PRESIDENT'S DAY Book in advance with reception Tuesday 24th Aug YELLOW BALL - 4,5,4,5 Tally Thursday 26th Aug PAIRS - BOTH TO COUNT Tally Tuesday 31st Aug "9 x 3" PLUS "9 x 2" Tally Thursday 2nd Sep SEPTEMBER MEDAL (Strokeplay) (Men - White Tees; Ladies - Red) plus 9-HOLE COMPETITION (Yellow tees) Book in advance via noticeboard / phone Don or reception for late entries

21 July, 2021

Seniors 2 day challenge Stableford Round 1 July 20th 2021

Divsion 1 First: Chris Jacques 38 points Second: David Jones 36 points Third: Michael Scott 35 points Division 2 First: Neville Bassett 40 points Second: Mike Healey 39 points Third: Peter Fraser 36 points Davis Jones carded the only 2 of the day on the 5th hole.

16 July, 2021

Multiplier result from Mike Healey Thursday July 15th 2021

Kitty Comp. Multiplier Result and Report Thursday 15th July It was great to set off from three tees again and from the outset, there seemed to be more of a buzz around the car park. News of Golf Wales looking to lift covid playing restrictions, helped the atmosphere and Clays’ Seniors are now considering going back to tally draws as soon as possible. 35 seniors entered the comp with last minute changes to the group numbers and we ended up playing 5 x three balls and 5 x four balls – two separate competitions. The weather remained cool with a slight breeze and a threat of light showers, but the forecast always said warmer weather in the afternoon. Today’s Multiplier still had a few players scratching their heads over simple multiplication, so the mathematicians were encouraged to complete the cards. Multiplier Result: Three Ball: First: Dave Talbot, Graham Bryne, Tom McGrady (80 pts) £4.00 each Second: Rodney Evans, Mike Griffiths, Harold Hughes (78 pts) £1.00 each Four Ball: First: Keith Jones, Neville Bassett, Ralph Howard, Ken Tieszen (116 pts c/b) £4.00 each Second: Jon Falcus, Irwin Elkin, Ian Ketland, Tony Jackson (116 pts c/b) £1.00 each

15 July, 2021

Senior Vets Trophy July 13th 2021

There we no 2's recorded today. Results as follows: 1. Damian Atkin 90-21-69 2. Jonathan Falcus 84-13-71 3. Alan Barnsdale 89-18-71 4. Colin Brown 93-22-71 5. Nigel Davies 91-19-72

14 July, 2021

Provisional Ball rules July 21st 2021 from Fred.

July 14th 2021. Provisional Ball rules. I broached this subject when the new simplified rules were introduced some time back, now after a year or so we appear to be even more confused. The fictional character “Jack Reacher” has the ability register time in his head, to compete with this ability perhaps we all need to carry a 3 minute egg timer. The time permitted to search for your ball has been reduced from 5 down to 3 minutes. What is a “Provisional Ball”? it is a ball permitted to be played from the same place as your last ball which may have come to rest “Out of Bounds” or come to rest within the “General Area” but may be difficult to find. If the original ball is not found and identified within 3 minutes of search, your provisional ball becomes the ball in play. (Stroke and Distance). I hear Players who have watched their ball flight into a “Red Area” or “Hazard” say I shall play a Provisional Ball. The rules do not permit a provisional ball to be played in such cases unless there may be doubt the ball did not remain within but may be difficult to find, rules state clearly “May be Lost in the General Area”. A further adjudication point lies with the change in the circumstances a provisional may be played, insomuch as far back that I can remember a provisional ball had to be played prior to moving forward to search, a change in the rules now allow you to move forward to search, but gives the option to return and play a provisional ball provided this can be done within three minutes, hence the 3 min. egg times or Jack Reacher as your Caddy. Should your ball come to rest in a “Red Area” what are your options? Next time. Sheriff.

12 July, 2021

Captains Day July 12th 2021

A great turn out. Results as follows First Barry Dare with 38 points Second Paul Hardy with 37 points Third Andy Matthews with 37 points Don Wraight kindly sent the following photos of the day.

08 July, 2021

Seniors Texas scramble Report Thursday July 7th 2021 from Mike Healey

REPORT - Texas Scramble Results Course closure on Tuesday and heavy weather again yesterday left the course in fairly wet condition. Four holes closed created havoc for the multiple start but the troops knuckled down and walked out to distant tees to keep everybody moving. The weather held all morning and playing conditions were quite benign. The early Senior start time seemed to suit most and cards were returned within good time, albeit reduced number of holes. The final scores ranged between 39 and 46, but appear strange because of handicap adjustments. There were only three kitty cash prizes. Result of Three ball: First: Russ Adamson, Tom McGrady, Mike Healey 44.4 points £2.00 each Second: Bill Kelleher, Ken Tieszen, Keith Jones 47.4 points Result of Four ball: First: John Slater, Peter Fraser, Peter Taylor, Graham Bryne 39.7 points £5.00 each Second: Mick Carnell, Ralph Howard, Mike Scott, Mike Drake 39.9 points £2.00 each Third: Richard Collier, John Kelty, Tony Owens, Dilly Jones 43.1 points

02 July, 2021

Captains Report June 2021

Wow, flaming June has come and gone, along with the summer solstice. The warmer weather was a welcome change from the wet month of May. The slightly cooler weather late in June has assisted the green staff in keeping the golf course, especially the greens, in excellent condition. Keep up the good work. The warm weather has resulted in some hot scores in competitions. If you cannot score more than forty odd points, yes, that many, then your chances of winning are limited. Hopefully, the WHS will eventually catch up with the players returning these fantastic scores, if not, the handicap committee will! In the meantime, well done to all the recent winners of the respective board competitions. More congratulations go to our team in the WG Team Handicap Championship who won the regional final held at Holywell Golf Club. The team comprising: Jon Falcus, Justin Bull, Stephen Jones and Aled Bonds will now go forward to the final to be held at Celtic Manor in August. A special mention must go to Andi Jones and Justin Bull for their four rounds of golf in a day in aid of Macmillan Cancer Support. I did pass them on the 7th tee during their final round, not surprisingly, they were flagging a little. What a great effort to complete the four rounds. If any member would like to make a contribution to their charity collection, then please leave your donation at golf reception. Thank you to all members who supported the Captains Drive-In. A small band of members managed to witness the captain’s drive with a dodgy driver provided by your Vice-Captain. Luckily, my actual drive off did miss the fairway but stayed inbounds, what a relief. Looking forward, July is another busy month in the club calendar that includes Captains Day, Senior Two-day Challenge and Club Championship. There are still a few tees available for the Captains Day competition that will be a shot gun start. Why not join us on one of the big days in the club calendar? The entry fee includes food and a drink. There will be prizes for Ladies, Seniors and Men, nearest to pin and straightest drive along with optional 2’s and beat the pro competitions. Please sign up for the golf on the sheet provided on the club notice board in the foyer of the clubhouse. I look forward to seeing as many members as possible on what will be a great day of golf, food, drink and of course banter. On Captains’ Day, there will also be a raffle in aid of the Alzheimer’s Society. A gentle reminder that should you wish to donate a prize for the raffle then please leave it at golf reception or bring it on the day. Many thanks for supporting this worthy cause. Until next time, take care and enjoy your golf. Dave Palferman Club Captain 2021 dpalferman@gmail.com

01 July, 2021

Captains drive in July 26th 2021. Report from Dave Palferman.

The Captains Drive-In took place on Saturday 26 July. Unfortunately, due to numerous delays due to the poor weather earlier in the year, combined with Covid-19 restrictions, it was not possible to have the traditional shotgun start. However, that did not deter the many members who participated in the competition. A few lucky members witnessed the Captains drive with a very dodgy driver provided by your Vice-Captain, Don Wraight. Surprisingly, I did mange to hit the ball, even though the ball finished near the 15th green! My formal drive missed the fairway on the left but given the audience I was pleased it was in bounds. Thanks to all those who participated in the competition, your support was greatly appreciated by Lady Captain and myself. The competition was won by an incredible score of 46 Stableford points. A special thanks for Mark and his crew for presenting the course in such a fantastic condition. Going forward, Captains Day will be held on Saturday 10th July. There will be prizes for Ladies, Men and Seniors, plus various optional competitions. There will also be a raffle in aid of the Alzheimer’s Society. All prize donations for this worthy cause will be greatly accepted. If you want to play on the day, sign up quickly as places are limited. Thanks in advance for your support. Dave Palferman Captain 2021


Seniors - This report dovetails with Stuart's usual report on today's golf (Winter League Round 6 - Final Round). We have done well ...