01 December, 2020

Captains Newsletter November 2020

At last, light at the end of the Covid-19 tunnel, or more accurately three lights in form of vaccines. If, one or more, of these vaccines get approval and are distributed, there is hope for the golf season in 2021. All we have to do is get past the festive season. Let’s all hope it doesn’t end in lockdown 3.0 and tiers! It is good to see that the golf course has been busy since the end of Welsh lockdown 2.0. Unfortunately, English lockdown 2.0 has prevented members crossing the border to play. Many members on the English side of the border, including your Captain, are desperate to get back on the fairways, even if they are a bit soggy after a no golf for a month. I am looking forward to playing with my new WHS handicap for the first time. Hopefully, members are getting accustomed to the new handicapping system. We have a few more months to get fully familiar with the changes brought in by WHS before the season begins in 2021. Thanks to all those members who have supported and participated in the Stableford Autumn Series. Your Club Council are busy planning the club calendar for 2021. Keep your eyes open for entry sheets for the board competitions which should appear early in the new year. Also, your club council needs you! More specifically, we have a vacancy for an Honorary Club Secretary. Why not contact me and see what the role involves? Finally, a special mention must go to our senior section for their collective efforts on Poppy Day. Despite depleted numbers, a grand total of £392 was raised from the competition for the Royal British Legion. Please stay safe and enjoy your golf in December. Dave Palferman Captain 2020/1 dpalferman@gmail.com

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Seniors - This report dovetails with Stuart's usual report on today's golf (Winter League Round 6 - Final Round). We have done well ...