17 November, 2020

Message from Barry Dare November 17th 2020

Good Morning Everyone, I wanted to drop you a note, whilst most of you were playing golf, and I, along with others across the border were in the middle of our latest lockdown. Thanks Everyone who joined in the Memorial/Poppy Day competition, Mike has organised the prizes for this morning, congratulations to all the recipients, but special congratulations to all the competitors, and those who made donations on the course during the week. The Grand Total raised for this was £428, which outstripped last years generous total. We will arrange to Present this to the Royal British Legion as soon as possible. Also, we would be approaching our AGM very shortly, but under the current conditions we all agreed the usual meeting would not be possible. We therefore decided that all committee members would automatically stay in position for a further year. Individual reports are in the process of being written, and will be available on the Seniors Blog for you to have a look at when you can. If any member has a burning issue that needs to be brought up, then feel free to respond to this email, and if appropriate I will endeavour to cover the issue either by committee, or if that is not possible through the membership by email. I hope you all find this acceptable for this current year. At last, with the early appearance of potential vaccines on the horizon, it is possible to see a way back towards normality during 2021. Hope to see you all soon Barry

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Seniors - This report dovetails with Stuart's usual report on today's golf (Winter League Round 6 - Final Round). We have done well ...