29 September, 2020

Multiplier September 29th 2020. Report via Mike Healey.

Multiplier Result Another great day weather wise. More sand is being spread on the greens and they are settling nicely but there is still work to do. Putting was a bit gritty but the promised rain should clear us up by next week. One member had a battery malfunction today so the 33 sign-ups became a mixed competition for 8 x threes and 2 x fours. Here are the results: Three Balls- First: Bernard Fildes, Ralph Howard, Damian Atkin 111 points £5.00 each Second: Don Wraight, Neville Bassett, Tony Owens 100 points £3.00 each Four Balls- First: Mike Hollings, Dave Fergus, Alan Barnsdale, Mike Healey 86 points £2.00 each

Seniors Events October 2020

SENIORS COMPETITIONS OCTOBER 2020 DATE KITTY COMPS – BLUE COMMENTS OTHER COMPS – BLACK Thursday 1st Oct OCTOBER(Stableford)MEDAL (Men - Yellow Tees; Ladies - Red) plus 9-HOLE COMPETITION (Yellow tees) Book in advance via e-mail/phone with Don or reception for late entries Tuesday 6th oct BONUS BALL Wednesday 7th Oct OSWESTRY OPEN Tony Harcombe has details Thursday 8th Oct TEXAS SHAMBLE Tuesday 13th Oct STABLEFORD – “BLIND PAIRS” Thursday 15th Oct WALTZ Tuesday 20th Oct YELLOW BALL Thursday 22nd Oct PAIRS BETTERBALL Tuesday 27th Oct “TANGO” Fourball Thursday 29th Oct INDIVIDUAL STABLEFORD Tuesday 3rd Nov BEST 3 SCORES to COUNT Fourball Friday 5th Nov NOVEMBER(Stableford)MEDAL (Men - Yellow Tees; Ladies - Red) plus 9-HOLE COMPETITION (Yellow tees) Book in advance via e-mail/phone with Don or reception for late entries

24 September, 2020

Pairs both scores to count September 24th 2020

t Thanks to Steve Monk for the following results:- Results from today's kitty competition, the Pairs, Both Scores to Count, were as follows: 1st - Dave Palferman and Colin Evans, with a total of 68 points - £7 each 2nd - Harry Collins and Dave Talbot, with 64 points - £4 each 3rd - Colin Brown and Ken Tieszen, with 62 points (29 back 9, 20 back 6) - £3 each 4th - Mike Drake and John Kelty, also with 62 points (29 back 9, 19 back 6) - £2 eachPairs

22 September, 2020

The following report came via Mike Healey. Hello All – Before I (Mike Healey) announce the result (and you will see why in a minute) I have to pay compliment to my playing partners who carried me except for my four drives and a couple of putts. Texas Scramble - The competition ran very smoothly – all 13 three balls turned up on time, kept the pace going and the last grouping arrived home after 3 hours 30 mins. Despite ground staff working around the course, it was in good condition and even the greens with tining and sand were not that bad. The forthcoming rain will wash most of it away and service will be resumed as normal. Hayley met us with food and drink outside and the day could not have been more pleasant. Result: Three prizes today. First - Alan Barnsdale, Bob Jarvis, Mike Healey 57.8 £6.00 each Second - Tony Jackson, Mike Drake, Dave Talbot 60.4 £4.00 each Third - Mike Parks, Bill Kelleher, Damian Atkin 60.8 £3.00 each

17 September, 2020

Yellow Ball competition September 17th 2020

Report from Mike Healey courtesy of Steve Monk. Hi Guys - another great day to play golf. The Senior Committee passed on their compliments to Mark and his ground staff for the superb course condition and we could not have asked for better. One or two members were chatting about speed around the course and the tail-enders managed four hours and were quite happy. Let's keep that going. I found myself flitting between three groups at the outset trying to accommodate one non-show and one late-show (in fairness to both members they kept us informed.) We finished with seven Three Balls and five Four Balls Yellow Ball Result: Three Ball First: Ken Tieszen, Bob Jarvis, Bill Kelleher 137 points £5.00 each Second: Steve Monk, Mick Carnell, Dave A Jones 128 points £2.00 each Yellow Ball Result: Four Ball First: Damian Atkin, Chris Jacques, Dave F Jones, Dave Talbot 158 points £4.00 each Second: Dave Jones, Don Wraight, Graham Bryne, Mike Healey 147 points £1.00 each

15 September, 2020

Pairs better ball September 15th 2020

Great day today with 42 seniors out showing their skill or not!. We could not have asked for better weather and the course was in very good condition as well. All the scores are in and it was tight at the top again with all the prizes going to countback. Pairs Betterball: First: Stewart Poole, Mike Drake 43 points (Countback 22) £7.00 each Second: Bob Jarvis, Tony Jackson 43 points (Countback 19) £5.00 each Third: Bill Kelleher, Steve Monk 41 points (Countback 21) £4.00 each Fourth: Bob Brown, Damian Atkin 41 points (Countback 19/14) £3.00 each Fifth: Dave Palferman, Mike Hollings 41 points (Countback 19/11) £2.00 each

14 September, 2020

St David's Day Trophy September 10th 2020

First: Damian Atkin 44 points Second: David Palferman 39 points Third: Irwin Elkin 38 points The only 2 of the day was by David Palferman on the 2nd hole and won £24 Some photos of the day below: Don Wraight kindly sent the photos. First photo shows a group of Seniors who were all prize winners. Next one shows Damian receiving a bottle of welsh whiskey from Barry and last photo shows Damian receiving the trophy from Roy Jones the sponsor of St Davids Day.

08 September, 2020

2 scores to count September 8th 2020

Thanks to Mike Healey for the report below and to Don Wraight for the photographs: Gentlemen – another great day weather-wise. The mercury touched 24oC for the later groups and most of us managed quick rounds going out in three balls. Today’s “Two Scores to Count” had a spread of results and there was nothing at all close about this one. There were three prizes awarded - see results below: “Two Scores to Count” First: Ernie Williams, Dilly Jones, Ralph Howard 88 Points £6.00 each Second: Dave F Jones, Peter Fraser, Russ Adamson 80 points £4.00 each Third: Don Wraight, Bill Kelleher, Tom Pierce 78 points £2.00 each Afterwards, a number of committee members and other Seniors remained behind to present Ken Tieszen with his well-earned Trophy and Prize for winning the Seniors Winter League. Photos are courtesy of Don Wraight.

05 September, 2020

Seniors Medal September

Division 1 1. David Jones 87-16-71 2. Malcolm Williams 90-18-72 3. Reg Peacock 92-18-74 Division 2 1. Keith Hawthorn 93-19-74 2. Robert Jarvis 97-23-74 3. Pauline Peacock 99-23-75 2' results: Alan Bottomley, Barry Dare and Joe White had a 2 at the 5th hole.

04 September, 2020

Hole in one by Stuart Leyland at Chester Curzon Park Wednesday September 2nd 2020

Message below from Barry Dare Congratulations on your hole in one on the 8th yesterday at Chester. The guys from the Chester Seniors Committee came rushing out to spread the word as we came off like drowned rats! It cheered us up however just thinking of the Scotch that you won, brilliant , well done.

01 September, 2020

Seniors Waltz competition September 1st 2020

Many thanks to Mike Healey for the following report. What a lovely day for golf. The threat of rain never materialised and although preferred lies were the order of the day, we could not have asked for better conditions. 36 seniors turned up in good time, distancing was good and best of all, the scoring at the top was extremely close, with only three points between the top six cards. Result of today's Waltz: First: Dave Jones, Alan Bottomley, Ken Tieszen, Bob Brown 76 points (Countback - 39) Second: Bill Kelleher, Alan Barnsdale, Mike Parks, Keith Jones 76 points (Countback - 36) Third: Mick Carnell, Dave Talbot, Irwin Elkin, Derek Jones 76 points (Countback - 33) 2 x 74's and a 73 were close runners up but alas come away solely with the satisfaction of being close contenders.

Winter League Result 2019/2020

SENIORS WINTER LEAGUE 2019/20 (Result) League Table after 5 Rounds - (52 participants in total) Nov 19th Jan 7th Jan 21st Feb 4th Mar 3rd Total Rank Name Round 1 Round 2 Round 3 Round 4 Round 5 Points 1 Tieszen, Ken 9 4 7 9 10 39 2 Taylor, Peter 8 8 8 24 3= Bottomley, Alan 5 4 10 19 3= Kalka, Mike 2 9 8 19 5 Rodenhurst, Frank 10 7 17 6= Palferman, Dave 1 6 9 16 6= Hughes, George 7 7 2 16 6= Williams, Ernie 6 6 4 16 9 Dare, Barry 10 5 15 10 Barnsdale, Alan 1 2 8 11 11 Carnell, Mick 10 10 12 Jacques, Chris 9 9 13= Brown, Bob 7 7 13= Brown, Colin 4 3 7 13= Bryne, Graham 3 4 7 16= Hughes, Harold 6 6 16= Wraight, Don 6 6 18= Drake, Mike 5 5 18= Poole, Stewart 5 5 18= Wright, Graham 5 5 21= Harris, Nigel 3 3 21= Parks, Mike 3 3 21= Williams, Mal 3 3 24= McGrady, Tom 2 2 24= Mitchell, Andy 2 2 24= Owens, Tony 1 1 2 27 Evans, Barry 1 1 Remaining Senior Participants Atkin, Damian Healey, Mike Jones, Noel Peacock, Reg Bowen, Peter Howard, Ralph Jordan, Roy Pocklington, Alan Davies, Maelor Jarvis, Bob Ketland, Ian Roberts, Ron Davies, Nigel Jones, Dave A Key, Richard Turner, Mike Evans, Colin Jones, Dave F Monk, Steve Fraser, Peter Jones, Dilly Morris, Phil Harcombe, Tony Jones, Keith Peacock, Pauline


Seniors - This report dovetails with Stuart's usual report on today's golf (Winter League Round 6 - Final Round). We have done well ...