31 August, 2020

Winter league final result 2020

SENIORS WINTER LEAGUE 2019/20 (Result) League Table after 5 Rounds - (52 participants in total) Nov 19th Jan 7th Jan 21st Feb 4th Mar 3rd Total Rank Name Round 1 Round 2 Round 3 Round 4 Round 5 Points 1 Tieszen, Ken 9 4 7 9 10 39 2 Taylor, Peter 8 8 8 24 3= Bottomley, Alan 5 4 10 19 3= Kalka, Mike 2 9 8 19 5 Rodenhurst, Frank 10 7 17 6= Palferman, Dave 1 6 9 16 6= Hughes, George 7 7 2 16 6= Williams, Ernie 6 6 4 16 9 Dare, Barry 10 5 15 10 Barnsdale, Alan 1 2 8 11 11 Carnell, Mick 10 10 12 Jacques, Chris 9 9 13= Brown, Bob 7 7 13= Brown, Colin 4 3 7 13= Bryne, Graham 3 4 7 16= Hughes, Harold 6 6 16= Wraight, Don 6 6 18= Drake, Mike 5 5 18= Poole, Stewart 5 5 18= Wright, Graham 5 5 21= Harris, Nigel 3 3 21= Parks, Mike 3 3 21= Williams, Mal 3 3 24= McGrady, Tom 2 2 24= Mitchell, Andy 2 2 24= Owens, Tony 1 1 2 27 Evans, Barry 1 1 Remaining Senior Participants Atkin, Damian Healey, Mike Jones, Noel Peacock, Reg Bowen, Peter Howard, Ralph Jordan, Roy Pocklington, Alan Davies, Maelor Jarvis, Bob Ketland, Ian Roberts, Ron Davies, Nigel Jones, Dave A Key, Richard Turner, Mike Evans, Colin Jones, Dave F Monk, Steve Fraser, Peter Jones, Dilly Morris, Phil Harcombe, Tony Jones, Keith Peacock, Pauline

Captains Newsletter August 2020

 Your Captains Newsletter is now available online. Simply click the link below to view it online...


30 August, 2020

Don Wraight's ACE at the 5th hole August 29th 2020


Don got his ace with a 9 iron. Derek remembers well playing with Don when Don an 8 iron for his 3rd shot on the 15th and holed out for a 3!!

28 August, 2020

Seniors Committee meeting Minutes August 20th 2020





Committee Meeting










20 August 2020

Barry Dare

Steve Monk

Peter Bowen

Chris Jacques


Don Wraight


Malcolm Williams


Mike Healy


Mike Hollings


Tom Pierce





The meeting was conducted remotely via Zoom due to the restrictions on gathering imposed during the coronavirus pandemic.



Standing Agenda


1.    Action Points







AP 6


Distribute meeting minutes to members by email

23 July




Write to Josh to express gratitude for generosity re Roy Jordan

30 July




Publish guide to registering competition scores via HowDidIDo





Advise relevant Clubs that Clays Seniors will not be playing InterClub matches in 2020

30 July






2.    Matters Arising




3.    Captain’s report ( BD )


Club Council meetings have been slightly disjointed and shortened to accommodate the use of Zoom at present. Below I précis the major items over the last two months.

World Handicap System

Score card with the recent course changes is to be sent to Wales Golf explaining the changes to 7th and 13th. IE to provide explanation, JG to provide score card link and DR to issue to Wales Golf – CE to explain to JG the adjustment to Ladies 7th Tee ( To go back 11yards)


General Business

Attire on the course seems to be slipping. Multiple sightings of tee shirts and football shorts. This needs to be raised with JG

Mark Jones (Head Greenkeeper) to be invited to the face to face meetings as an agenda item

HDID vs Handicap Master Review is to be placed into the Agenda as a reminder, continued concern is apparent over the difficulty of its operation for the handicap secretary, and the vagaries of its reporting.


4.    Treasurer’s report ( SM )


Nothing significant to report.


Since our last meeting our Fund total has risen by £30 to £1195.63. The £30 all came from Seniors subscriptions – 3 from existing members ‘catching up’, and 3 from new members.


5.    Secretary’s report (CJ)

Nothing to report.


6.    Match Organiser’s report (MW/TP)


Nothing to report.  Need to begin arrangements for fixing dates for 2021 matches.



7.    Medal and Honours Board Competition Secretary’s report ( DW )

Memorial entries 52

D J Bogey 54

Gemini 48 up to now.  2 players have been declined entry as they wanted to play earlier outside competition time.

Medals have been attended well 53 in the August medal.

Trialling 3 balls to try to make play a little faster.

Putting scores into HDID a problem and an ongoing problem for club which has been highlighted at Council and hopefully can and will be remedied.


8.    Kitty Competition Organiser’s report ( MH )

As a committee, we have put together a very comprehensive, detailed plan for re-visiting Kitty Comps. It was endorsed by the management team who have overseen all safety aspects and many Seniors have expressed their thanks, including an e-mail to all from Mike Parks.

From the outset, the e-mails were flying but the system is now in place and Steve Monk has kindly offered to run the spread sheet for prize money. I take my cap off to Don who has dealt with (medal and other) competitions for years.

The Comps themselves have run quite smoothly with seniors turning up at regular intervals and there doesn’t appear to be any untoward large gatherings in the car park. The Starter sheet is working, as is the black box at the end. Scores come in - results and rewards go out via e-mail. Details are passed on to Steve for prizes and Derek for the Blog.

Bonus Ball – Numbers meant a twin competition (3’s and 4’s not ideal) Apart from a few starting problems it ran smoothly.

(9x3) plus (9x2) – Overall this ran very well. Russ oversaw the Starter sheet. Again we had a split competition because of numbers (not ideal).


Meeting agenda


9.    Delayed Nearly St David’s Day Competition arrangements


Normal arrangements would not be possible because of the restrictions so the committee decided the following :


·         There would be no Welsh cakes on arrival.

·         No food would be included in the entry fee because of the sequential tee times and the fact that some members were uncomfortable with entering the clubhouse, but Hayley and het team would be available and members would be able to order food for after their round if they wished.

·         Entry fee would be set at £5 to include a ball sweep.

·         It would not be possible to present all the prizes in the traditional way so these would have to be presented individually when possible. Captain would try to arrange for Roy and himself to formally present the trophy to the winner.

·         Entries would be required in advance, and payment taken on the day. DW would advise everyone via BRS.

·         Scorecards to be left at Reception after the round.

·         DW to announce winners via BRS and the blog

·         Committee members to take appropriate photos on the day for the blog




10.  Gemini Trophy – submission of scores

The HowDidIDo system is unable to cope with a pairs competition where both scores count so scorecards would need to be deposited at Reception after the round. Again DW to advise players.


11.  AOB


Captain and Mike Healey would make arrangements for the presentation to the winner of the Winter League.  The traditional bottle of whisky would also be presented to the winner.


12.  Action Points :




Advise members of arrangements for Nearly St. David’s day via BRS




Date of next meeting : 15 September 2020


Gemini Trophy August 27th 2020


First: Tom McGrady and Ron Roberts  164 - 15 = 151

Second: Bill Kelleher and Chris Jacques  176 -18= 151

Third: Andrew Mitchell and Dilly Jones  186-15= 154

26 August, 2020

Seniors Competitions September 2020



SENIORS COMPETITIONS                                                       SEPTEMBER 2020





Tuesday    1st Sept



Wednesday 2nd Sept


Tony Harcombe has details

Thursday 3rd Sept

SEPTEMBER MEDAL          (Strokeplay)(Men - White Tees; Ladies - Red) plus 9-HOLE COMPETITION (Yellow tees)

Book in advance via        e-mail/phone with Don or reception for late entries

Monday    7th Sept


Tony Harcombe has details

Tuesday   8th Sept



Thursday 10th Sept

NOT EVEN REMOTELY NEAR                                                                         ST DAVID'S DAY TROPHY


Book in advance via       e-mail/phone with Don. £5.00 entry Fee. Kindly have £5.00 note ready on day in return for Scorecard

Tuesday 15th Sept



Thursday 17th Sept



SAT/SUN         19th-20th Sept



Tuesday 22nd Sept


Four drives from each member including a par three

Thursday  24th Sept



Tuesday 29th Sept



Thursday   1st Oct

OCTOBER  MEDAL       (STABLEFORD) (Men - Yellow Tees; Ladies - Red) plus 9-HOLE COMPETITION (Yellow tees)

Book in advance via e-mail/phone with Don or reception for late entries


25 August, 2020

Cancelled yellow ball August 25th 2020


Thanks to Mike Healey for the following:-

Storm Francis won the day. Eleven brave souls turned up from the Starting sheet of 30. Half a dozen sensibly phoned in before the draw and a whole lot more when they woke up. Another half dozen had their golf curtailed because of buggy ban and despite the course remaining open most of the arrivals had coffee and turned for home. A few went on the driving range. The Yellow Ball will be carried over to September and let us hope that next month will bring better weather..

22 August, 2020

Golf Rule from Fred Court August 18th 2020


Rules Blog 18th August 2020.


Fortunately we are slowly getting back into our normal routine of golf at Clays, time for some of us to have a refresher on rules of the game. Three observations in the last week have prompted me to review the dropping of a ball when permitted under the rules.

Unlike the old rule which required a ball to be dropped from shoulder height to touchdown within the defined area, but allowed to bounce up to 2 club-lengths not nearer the hole.


The current rules require the ball to be dropped from Knee height; it must land in the relief area and also come to rest within the relief area. So what is a relief area you may ask? It is an area established by the player as permitted and defined within the rules, for example options when a ball is unplayable; relief from a Red or Yellow penalty area.


Players often make errors in such relief and take other influences into consideration; scorecard-markers should be aware of such errors and in fairness to the remainder of the competition field, apply appropriate penalties for an incorrect drop of the ball or playing from the wrong place.


            Let’s now take the easy relief area to establish with your options after your ball has entered a Red Penalty area. If you find your ball in the Red Penalty area, you may play the ball as it lies or establish where your ball last crossed the boundary into the area. From this point on the boundary measure the diameter of your relief area two club lengths, not nearer the hole in play using the club intended for your next shot. The imaginary half circle behind this diameter is your relief area and as stated the ball must be correctly dropped into and come to rest in this relief area.

This option is also available should you fail to find your Ball, Don’t forget the penalty of one shot to use this option.


If you are playing stroke and distance, or through a line to the flag from a crossing into a yellow area or the position of a ball unplayable, you establish the point from where you are playing and from this point mark the diameter of the relief area one club length either side of the established point; your relief area is the semi circle behind diameter. Again don’t forget the penalty.


You have another option for an unplayable ball, which is to measure two club-length radius of your relief area measured either side from the unplayable ball position, (giving, in this case, a relief area half circle of 4 club lengths in diameter) all growth within the relief area is still the relief area and it may be required to establish a second relief area from the dropped ball position under a further penalty.


Free relief from a situation such as pathway or casual water produces a quadrant relief area; regardless of surrounding features of the golf course, (you cannot amend the relief area because it places you in a disadvantaged position to drop into the relief area) the relief area is established at nearest position your ball would be, from where the ball is in order to give complete relief from the abnormal condition, from this position measure the radius of the quadrant, and the relief area is the quadrant behind this radius.

Please note depending on direction of play or left vs. right hand players, this complete relief may be a ball position adjacent to the abnormal condition or taking a stance adjacent to the condition and establishing the ball position using the club intended for your next stroke.

From this established full relief-ball position measure the one club length radius not nearer the Hole.




Seniors - This report dovetails with Stuart's usual report on today's golf (Winter League Round 6 - Final Round). We have done well ...