30 June, 2020

Tuesday June 30th 2020

Lovely day for golf today. Warm and sunny. It was the first time back for Derek since before the lock down.
Nice to see so many members out playing and observing social distancing. The course was in lovely condition and work was going on on the 7th fairway to improve the drainage. A photo later will show what work is going on. 

However after Derek and playing partner Alan Pocklington left the course Derek went the wrong way back to the car park only to be told by Russ to go back and take the correct exit...naughty Derek.

Derek managed to score a gross 2 on the 5th, 

Some photos and videos of the day below.

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Seniors - This report dovetails with Stuart's usual report on today's golf (Winter League Round 6 - Final Round). We have done well ...