30 June, 2020

Tuesday June 30th 2020

Lovely day for golf today. Warm and sunny. It was the first time back for Derek since before the lock down.
Nice to see so many members out playing and observing social distancing. The course was in lovely condition and work was going on on the 7th fairway to improve the drainage. A photo later will show what work is going on. 

However after Derek and playing partner Alan Pocklington left the course Derek went the wrong way back to the car park only to be told by Russ to go back and take the correct exit...naughty Derek.

Derek managed to score a gross 2 on the 5th, 

Some photos and videos of the day below.

25 June, 2020

Message from Fred Court regarding Deven 2021

Although the Manor is not open as yet, Fred has made a provisional booking 24 persons from Sunday 13th June 2021 to Friday 18th.
Unfortunately we do not qualify for the early booking discount, the cost therefore will be the full amount £396.00 plus £10.00 competition fund. Please advise if you wish to take up one of the reservations. Priority will be for Clays members and regular guests listed last year. Fred
In recent times my Email address book will be inaccurate due to new incoming members and members leaving, please pass on the above message

Buggies now available June 25th 2020 and drainage work on 7th hole as of June 29th

We now have 3 buggies for rent


Best regards,


Golf Reception Team


Drainage work on the 7th hole is due to start on Monday 29th June.

Please be aware of heavy plant and men working in the area.

Thank you

The Claysgolf Team

24 June, 2020

Priors Hayes Open August 18th 2020

Tony Harcombe has had confirmation from Priors Hayes that the Open will take place as scheduled on the 18th August.
Those who have booked to continue to show up.
Anyone wishing to enter please see or contact Tony or alternatively contact Priors Hayes.


19 June, 2020

Updates via Josh about Senior Medal and competitions July 2020

Following the Minister of Wales latest covid 19 review it seems at present that we remain as we are regarding groups we can play in. I am still hopeful that by the Seniors medal on the 9th July we may get to play at least in 3’s in which case I intend to move some tee times so that we can condense the competition and make it easier to collate the results. Scores should be entered by the HDID system if your able to access.

14th is the Seniors/Vets trophy and following week 21/23 July the 2 day Challenge.
We intend to run these competitions. Entry is FREE
All you need to do is to contact myself via email at donwraight@msn.com to let me know that you wish to enter.
A draw will be made prior to the event and you will be notified via the BRS booking system of your tee time.
In the meantime enjoy your golf and stay safe.


15 June, 2020

Storm June 14th 2020 and weekend results

Due to the storm this afternoon, the golf course condition quickly became unplayable. Therefore if you signed in to the competition but didn’t manage to finish your round, you will now have until Tuesday to submit a score. This weekends results will be posted out on Wednesday.

Driving Range Update

We are pleased to inform you that the driving range will re-open as of 9am tomorrow morning. Before visiting the range, please ensure you read our updated COVID-19 guidelines on our website by clicking on the link below...


Best regards,


14 June, 2020

Entry to Clays Honours Board Match play Competition now open.

Entry to our Honours Board Matchplay Competitions is now open!
Dear Derek,

There’s now more competition golf for you to take part in this season...

The following Singles Honours Board Matchplay Knockout Competitions are now open to enter and will be played over the remainder of the season until Finals Weekend which will now take place on Saturday 19th & Sunday 20th September 2020.

Scratch Cup
No handicap limit, played off scratch.

Challenge Cup
For handicaps 0 - 17. Full handicap difference.

Aber Shield
For handicaps 18 and above. Full handicap difference.

How much is each competition to enter?

All of the above competitions are FREE of charge for 2020!

How to do you enter?

If you require more information about the above competitions or would like to enter please contact your competition secretary; Paul Lloyd directly...

Email - ps_lloyd@yahoo.co.uk
Mobile - 07487848403

Paul will send you confirmation of your entry.

The deadline for entries is Tuesday 30th June 2020 and the draw for all competitions will be carried out on Wednesday 1st July.

Best regards,


Seniors Medal July 9th 2020. Update from Barry Dare

Clay Seniors Medal July 9th


Good Afternoon everyone, all being well, we are in a position to run our first qualifying medal of the year. There are however a few small changes made to make it run smoothly, whilst keeping within government, golf union, and CONGU guidelines. Below I do my best to outline how to proceed, as briefly as possible.





Please e mail Don on  donwraight@msn.com or if that’s not possible phone on 07899 721228, to be allocated a tee time for the medal.  Bookings will be made in line with current guidelines (ie currently 2 ball) . Don will let you know your tee time.

To play in the medal you will be allocated a playing partner who is also playing Senior medal.

If you have already booked a tee time for this date, you will still need to e mail Don to be entered into the medal start sheet, and you will still require a partner.


Score information


There are slight changes to this within the guidelines.


You keep you partners score and your own score in the normal way.


At the end of the round, you verbally agree scores for both of you, without exchanging cards or requiring exchange of signatures.


The card information can then be transferred directly to Howdidido by app, more information will come through after this weekend from Josh, this is much preferred as it saves a mass of information transfer by Peter Bowen.


If however it is not possible for you to transfer by the app, please e mail your scores either by using a excel spreadsheet which Don will send out, or send a photo of your card, to nickypeter2609@outlook.com . In the unlikely event that you can do none of these please phone Peter with you results.


Money & Prizes


There will be no payment for this medal, and therefore no Prizes (nor 2’s)



Local rules


If you wish you can pick and place in a bunker within 6” but no nearer the flag, without smoothing the sand beforehand, bunkers should be tended afterwards as best you can with you club or shoes.


To enter the competition you need to have been entered on the start sheet for the competition as set out above.


That’s it, go for it!



Just one small note however, I have been asked to remind you all to pay your Golf Union fees ( a final reminder will be sent soon) and also to make sure you have paid your Seniors subs. Without these we will not be able to process your scores.


If you know anyone who cannot use email please try to let them know.


If you need help or advice on any of these points, just email me on barry_dare@btconnect.com



Good Luck and Take Care



06 June, 2020

Competition Golf returning. Message from Josh June 5th 2020

Competition golf will be returning as of Saturday 13th June!

Now we are back to playing in either two or three balls, we are going to be running a series of Stableford competitions throughout June & July at the weekend.

Every member who has a handicap and paid their handicap fees will be eligible to enter.

There will be a total of 5 weekends for you to submit a score towards the series.

Weekend 1 - Saturday 13th & Sunday 14th June
Weekend 2 - Saturday 20th & Sunday 21st June
Weekend 3 - Saturday 27th & Sunday 28th June
Weekend 4 - Saturday 4th & Sunday 5th July
Weekend 5 - Saturday 11th & Sunday 12th July

You can choose from either a Saturday or Sunday to enter a score for each weekend. To give you flexibility, you can choose from one weekend to the next which day you decide to submit a score.

The best 4 out 5 weekend scores of the series will determine the prize winners.

The format

All weekends will be played as...

- Stableford
- Full handicap
- White tees for men
- Red tees for ladies
- We will endeavour to keep all competitions as qualifiers.
- An updated list of COVID-19 local rules will be published next week.

The total cost will be £20 for all 5 weekends. There will be no ballsweeps.

50% of entry monies will be used to pay for brand new contactless ball retrieving devices. 50% will be paid out in prizes.

How will it work?

Step 1

Pay for your entry online before Friday 12th June. Simply click the link below to enter...


Step 2

Book your tee times as normal. You will need to ensure you play with another member with a handicap to mark your score. On arrival of your tee time, tell us you’re submitting your score for the weekend series. Your marker will need to keep a record of your score. We suggest using an app to do this or printing off a scorecard online to avoid swapping cards with each other.

Step 3

On completion of your round, your marker will then need to submit your scores hole by hole to a member of the team at the Golf Reception window. As general a rule we do not require you to sign for your score. A member of staff will then input your scores into our scoring system, Howdidido. Your card can then be disposed of.

We hope you can support the club and enter this new form of contactless competition golf.

If the take up to this is well received, we will then look to start a midweek series.

Best regards,


04 June, 2020

Message from Barry Dare June 3rd 2020

Clays Seniors Update



I write to you today a brief note, on almost the first day of rain since the lockdown began. It is certainly needed, and more!


I have seen quite a number of you at the golf club in the last few days, during our slow return to some sort of golfing normality. It has certainly been great to see familiar faces going around the course, and back enjoying the game.


For those of you who are still not able to return, however, our thoughts are with you at this time. When you are able to come back, it may help you to know that, in my experience, I have seen no deviation from the government guidelines, either going from the car to the tee, nor on the course.


I have been greeted and briefed on every occasion by Russ or Josh, and the speed of play around the course has been great.


The first tentative moves have been made to make the course acceptable for competitions, and this is clearly the next step.


Our ability to restart kitty completion format may need to come sometime after competitions start, as we need to consider carefully how to move forward with that stage, and may well need  to take note of guidance from the government, and the club.


A number of you will know that this coming Sunday would have seen the start of our annual trip to Devon, perhaps that’s why the rain has arrived!


I personally was really sorry to see it cancelled, but before we turn our thoughts to booking a place for next year, I would like to thank Fred Court, who has booked, administered, and run the whole thing for many years. His work is very much appreciated, and has not been made less because we are not going this time. Thanks Fred, good work.


Take Care Everyone



03 June, 2020


Seniors - This report dovetails with Stuart's usual report on today's golf (Winter League Round 6 - Final Round). We have done well ...