04 May, 2020

Course news from Josh May 4th 2020

Firstly, I’d like to update you with some of the things which have been improved at the golf club whilst the lockdown continues.

Two of our fantastic members Chris Jones (Trig) and Howard Lloyd have kindly donated two brand new flag poles. The poles have now been erected adjacent to the putting green. The Welsh Dragon is flying high on one and NHS ‘We thank you’ on the other. You can see some images of the new flags poles on our Facebook page. A huge thank you to Chris and Howard for your amazing generosity.

Car Park Revamp

Tomorrow, the car park is getting revamped with brand new white lines. Each parking bay will be increased in size, giving you more room to manoeuvre and to get your clubs in and out of your car.

The two disabled parking bays will move over to the main section of the car park and the wall and surround opposite to the golf reception and clubhouse entrance will be used to park our golf buggies, making the car park a much safer place to drive around.

Driving Range

Mr Lewis has been making some improvements to the driving range. A new net is coming together down the right hand side of the range. This will hopefully stop all the faders and slicers (Don Wraight, Andrew Mitchell) hitting our range balls into our neighbours field!

On the Golf Course

The green-keepers are continuing to keep the golf course cut and maintained and with the current weather forecast you should see a huge improvement on your return. A number of bunkers have been dug out and re-sanded and the bunkers on the banks of the 18th hole have been filled in.

New Website

You will notice our website is now in maintenance mode. We are currently upgrading it with a fresh design and updating it with our new membership, society packages green fees, images, latest news and COVID-19 information for when we return to business. The new website will be going live on Monday 11th May.

In the Bar & Restaurant

Phil & Gaynor have been busy in the bar, adding a lick of paint to the serving area, windows, walls and tables. Hayley is also continuing with her takeaways and deliveries. If you would like to place an order, please visit her Hayl’z Catering facebook page.

Membership Fees

Thank you to everyone who has paid their fees for the 2020-2021 season. The deadline for all members to pay their fees is Sunday 10th May. Any member who hasn’t renewed by this date will unfortunately lose out on the frozen pricing and will have to pay the increased pricing as of Monday 11th May.

Handicap Fees

The Clays Golf Members Club Council is now requesting payment for all members who wish to renew or obtain a handicap for the 2020-2021 season...

Please note the following...

- Handicap fees are not included your membership package.
- Payment of £30 is only required if you intend on renewing or obtaining a golf handicap.
- Away members are only required to pay the £15 Members levy.
- The Denbighshire Golf Union have waived their fee for all male members for the forthcoming season.

At the moment payment can only be made by Online Bank Transfer.

Account Number: 42557584
Sort Code: 40-47-26
Reference: Your Full Name

Opening of the Golf Course

A date is yet to be set by the Government to allow us to legally re-open. We are hoping the Prime Ministers news conference on Thursday 7th May will be positive and at a minimum we can get the golf course back open for you asap.

Once we are safe to open our facilities, a detailed list of safety measures, opening and closing times and staffing information will be sent out to ensure we are all playing our part to adhere to the Government's guidelines and stop the spread of the Coronavirus.

In the meantime, stay safe, stay at home and we look forward to seeing you soon.

Best regards,


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