16 April, 2020

Message from Barry Dare April 16th 2020

Dear Senior,

It has now been 3 weeks since I wrote to you last, and it looks in all likelyhood that we are somewhere in the middle of the Caronavirus total lockdown period. Looking at all the charts and figures that come through daily we should perhaps be encouraged to see the first signs that the infection levels have stopped rising.

For those of us who have been asked to stay at home beyond the lockdown period because of our age or health problems, and for those of us who are just taking part in the government lockdown, this is the time to be most careful, Please take every care at this time.

Now enough of that!

The Golf Course has dried out nicely at present, with a small exception on the 7th hole, Mark and his team are currently hollow coring, and top dressing. Hayley is also working hard on take away food, and is running a great teatime menu also.

Mike Hollings has made in excess of 50 masks on his 3 D Printer to date, which are bound for deserving wearers in the NHS or beyond. Just a thought Mike, could you make an enormous one to cover the buggy in the rain?

Malcolm has been in touch with all his Senior Match counterparts and tells me that all matches are currently cancelled until July at the earliest, we will talk again about them nearer that time, but so far no Clays golfer has lost a match!

Tony Harcombe tells me that, at present two opens have been cancelled, Malkins Bank on 12th May, and Arscott on 14th May, he will return any cheques when he next sees you, by the way he phoned in from the Bahamas!

You may have noticed that the Club AGM this year was replaced with an e mail to all members, and the Captains Drive in was also cancelled, as a result of this we have had a change of Captains without any real fanfare.

I would like to take this opportunity to pass on our thanks to Nigel Davies for his great work during the last 12 months, he has seen us through a difficult period in our golf clubs history with typical enthusiasm and humour. Thanks Nigel, welcome back to the Seniors!

I should also say a deep congratulations to Dave Palferman as our new Club Captain, and also good luck to Don Wraight as his Vice Captain, I wish you both every success.

Take Care Everyone, and I hope to see you soon


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Seniors - This report dovetails with Stuart's usual report on today's golf (Winter League Round 6 - Final Round). We have done well ...