05 March, 2020

9x3 plus 9x2 March 5th 2020

Results courtesy of Mike Healey

31 seniors, including two new members, contested today's competition (9 x 3) plus (9 x 2). That was the technical term - in reality, still only thirteen holes open but the ground staff were all out in force and busily preparing greens etc., in readiness for the big return! The weather held and Spring has finally sprung - don't hold your breath!! There are still a number of sticky patches but the golf is getting easier - two team prizes today:

First:        Ian Ketland, Ken Tieszen, Andy Mitchell, Peter Thomas

Second:    Tony Harcombe, Ralph Hardy, Bob Brown, Alan Bottomley

Two players scored twos - both on the fifth hole. Ralph Hardy and Mike Healey split the twos kitty money between them.

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Seniors - This report dovetails with Stuart's usual report on today's golf (Winter League Round 6 - Final Round). We have done well ...