19 March, 2020

Seniors Roll up March 19th 2020

Only 13 holes open again today and with Corvid-19 still in the minds of everyone only 9 Seniors entered today's competition. There were a couple of later groups playing on their own.

Don Wraight supplied the following results of the Roll Up

  1. Ron Roberts  26 points
  2. Mike Drake  25  points
  3. Alan Bottomley 24 points on countback. 

Derek wishes everyone to keep safe and follow all the guidelines.

17 March, 2020

Kitty competition March 17th 2020

Mike Healey reported as follows. Following on from the Senior Captain’s advice and decision not to hold Kitty Competitions in the near future, members of the committee arrived this morning to both clean the tally board (all praise to Don – pictured)

and explain face to face to any Senior members who arrived expecting to play. Given the numbers that arrived, it would appear that most Seniors have received the decision by e-mail and voted with their very sensible feet. There will be no Kitty Competitions for the foreseeable future and as soon as this decision is reversed, then obviously we will make an announcement to all members concerned.
Fourteen members turned out expecting to play and there was no reason not to. All members arriving in the foyer kept their distance and there is no reason why we cannot continue to go out in 2’s, 3’s and 4’s providing we are sensible. Elbows are good after matches and a thorough washing of hands has to be the priority at all times. Don is going to cancel the Seniors block-booking on a weekly basis and we need to book through the club web site, as we see fit on Tuesdays and Thursdays. As we see it, it will be a roll-up basis like most of us do at weekends. Adjacent groups are at liberty to arrange their own competitions and no doubt will do that.  It might be too long to hold our breath but let’s hope that sanctions are lifted as soon as possible. 

Don Wraight supplied the following results from today's individual stableford. Only 13  holes open.
  1. Ken Tieszen 33 points
  2. Alan Bottomley  29 points
  3. Harold Hughes 27 points
  4. Alan Barnsdale 25 points - countback back 9

14 March, 2020

Message from Josh reference Corona virus and Clays Golf Club March 14th 2020

As Coronavirus continues to spread rapidly and our member’s health & wellbeing being a number one priority, we have decided to postpone all social events and club competitions until further notice.

Including the following...

- New Coaching Room Launch Night
- Captains Dinner & Dance
- Annual General Meeting
- All Golf Competitions

The golf club will continue to open and close as normal. However, we will be guided by Government advice.

With the best interests of both our staff, members and visitors, we have taken a few precautionary measures to reduce the risk of infecting others.

- Please pick up your scorecards from the box located outside of the golf reception.
- Although we love hearing about your rounds golf and what you’ve been up to please avoid coming into the golf reception unless it is totally necessary to do so.
- Please use your own golf clubs on the driving range and avoid using any rental clubs from the bags outside.
- Keep washing your hands and avoid shaking hands on start and completion of your rounds.
- If you do have any symptoms of Coronavirus, please stay at home and practice your putting stroke!

Have a great weekend.

Best regards,


12 March, 2020

Seniors Medal Stableford March 12th 2020

Only 13 holes open again today:

Division 1

  1. Tony Harcombe  26 points
  2. Malcolm Williams  26 points
  3. Alan Bottomley  24 points
  4. Don Wraight  24 points
  5. Stewart Poole 23 points
  6. Mike Carnell  23 points and a 2 on the 5th
  7. Reg Peacock  21 points
  8. Ron Roberts  21 points
  9. Tom McGrady 19 points
  10. Andrew Mitchell 19 points

Division 2

  1. Ken Tieszen  28 points
  2. Peter Thomas  25 points
  3. George Hughes  25 points
  4. Maelor Davies  25 points
  5. Damian Atkin  24  points
  6. Mike Healey  23 points
  7. Mike Turner  22 points
  8. Alan Pocklington  22 points
  9. Mike Drake  21 points
  10. Keith Hawthorn  21 points
Observation by Derek Lyon who did not play: Weather very windy and cool but bright sunshine.

10 March, 2020

Pairs Betterball March 10th 2020

Thank you Mike Healey for sending the following results:-

Surprisingly the course was open, after late night rain on Monday and a lot of it! 28 Seniors turned up for today's Pairs Betterball, despite the threat of showers, but sadly no sit-on buggies were allowed. The course was OK though and a strong wind, which blew throughout, will only help with the drying process. The sun also showed its face on occasion and some very close scores were returned at the end of the competition:

First:        George Hughes and Malcolm Williams            34 points

Second:    Andy Mitchell and Peter Bowen                      33 points

Third:        Barry Dare and Bob Jarvis                              32 points (Count back)

Fourth:      Ralph Howard and Alan Bottomley                  32 points (Count back)

It was a privilege to watch Alan Pocklington's first shot (drive) of the day land fifteen inches from the pin on the first hole. Not only did he sink the ensuing putt for a two, gaining five points in the process, but it was the only two of the day, entitling him to all of the sweep money. Well done Alan!

Don Wraight was taking no chances with Corona virus today as the photo below shows!

05 March, 2020

9x3 plus 9x2 March 5th 2020

Results courtesy of Mike Healey

31 seniors, including two new members, contested today's competition (9 x 3) plus (9 x 2). That was the technical term - in reality, still only thirteen holes open but the ground staff were all out in force and busily preparing greens etc., in readiness for the big return! The weather held and Spring has finally sprung - don't hold your breath!! There are still a number of sticky patches but the golf is getting easier - two team prizes today:

First:        Ian Ketland, Ken Tieszen, Andy Mitchell, Peter Thomas

Second:    Tony Harcombe, Ralph Hardy, Bob Brown, Alan Bottomley

Two players scored twos - both on the fifth hole. Ralph Hardy and Mike Healey split the twos kitty money between them.

03 March, 2020

Seniors Winter League. Round 5 of 6 March 3rd 2020

Thank you Mike Healey for the following results:-

27 Seniors took part in Round Five of the Winter League. The playing conditions were heavy but it was nice to get out after a long wet spell. Still only thirteen holes open and there are a good many damp patches around but the drying wind was helping the cause if not the golf.

                                                Stableford Points                League Points
First:        Ken Tieszen                          32                                   10

Second:    Dave Palferman                     29                                     9

Third:        Mike Kalka                           26                                     8

Fourth:      Frank Rodenhurst                 25 (Count back)                  7

Fifth:        Don Wraight                          25 (Count back)                  6

Sixth:       Barry Dare                            23 (Count back)                  5

Seventh:   Graham Bryne                       23 (Count back)                  4

Eighth:      Mike Parks                           22 (Count back)                  3

Ninth:        Andy Mitchell                        22 (Count back)                  2

Tenth:        Barry Evans                          22 (Count back)                  1

Mike Kalka also scored a two on the twelfth hole and carried away the entire ball sweep kitty - Well done Mike!


Seniors - This report dovetails with Stuart's usual report on today's golf (Winter League Round 6 - Final Round). We have done well ...