26 February, 2020

Captains Newsletter February 2020

Nigel's latest newsletter is now available online.

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Clays Golf Club

Captain’s Newsletter : February 2020

Dear Member of Clays Golf Club

With the unprecedented amount of wet weather throughout February, very little golf has been played – a situation that I know the greenkeeping staff are finding just as frustrating as members. Whilst the ground conditions have made it very difficult for the staff to carry out the work that had been planned on the course, a number of other developments will, I’m sure, be of interest to members.

As I mentioned in a previous newsletter, we are pleased to welcome Richard Edwards back to Clays. Richard’s new coaching room is now complete and the club will be holding an opening evening in March for members and visitors to come and try it out, with free tips from Richard and coffee on the evening. An email will be going out about this shortly.

Dave Palferman, our Club Captain Elect, is pleased with the response from members regarding the squad for this year’s DGU League Division 1 fixtures. Quite a few members have also signed up for the DGU Spring Meeting at Abergele GC on Sunday 19th April. There are still some places available for this event, which is excellent value for money at just £20 per pair. The entry sheet can be found on the DGU notice board but please note that payment must be made in advance by the date indicated on the sheet.

Members should also be aware that the process by which pairs will be taking part in the DGU Jubilee Plate annual competition has changed and pairs will be able to put their names down on the sheet on the noticeboard in order to take part rather than qualify from a competition.

As you will know from last month’s newsletter, the Club Council has been discussing the renewal of our subscription to the HowDidIDo system or the adoption of an alternative system. The decision has been made to continue with HowDidIDo for at least one more year during which time we will be addressing issues regarding the PCs that are currently being used and which are contributing to some of the concerns that members have raised. This decision will be reviewed towards the end of this year.

Regarding handicaps, members may be aware that the process by which individual handicaps are calculated is due to undergo a significant change in November of this year. There will be more details regarding this during the next few months but, in the meantime, further information can be found at   https://www.walesgolf.org/world-handicap-system/

Josh and Richard have now taken over the running of, and investment in, the “Just Your Putter” Mini Golf Course. Development work has already started and a local landscaping firm are coming in to do the major work with a mini digger when the weather improves. Josh and Richard also have plans to add floodlights and a picnic/decking area.

A reminder that the entry sheets for the 2020 Honours Board knockout competitions will shortly become available in the foyer and upstairs. If you would like to take part, please note that the closing date for entries is 31st March.

The Club AGM will take place during the afternoon of Saturday, 28th March and the required notices will appear shortly inviting members to put forward proposals for consideration at the AGM as well as nominations for membership on the Club Council. This is the most important club meeting of the year and we welcome members’ participation in the process both leading up to the day and at the meeting itself.

You will have hopefully seen the posters around the club advertising the event on the previous evening, Friday, 27th March, the Captains’ Dinner, which marks the end of Dawn’s and my year in office. We have guests from the Wrexham Prostate Cancer Support Group attending who will be presented with the cheque for the total amount raised by members, families and friends during the past twelve months. The evening will commence at 7.30pm and will include a special 3 course meal provided by Hayley and a disco and Dawn and I very much hope that you will be able to attend. Tickets priced at £25pp are available from Hayley.

I have not included a ‘Dates for your Diary’ section in this newsletter as, again due to the weather, a number of planned events will have to be rearranged and new dates have not yet been decided upon. As soon as dates have been finalised I will inform members.

Finally, keep an eye out on the noticeboards for the latest ‘pupdates’ on our two sponsored Guide Dog puppies, Molly and Monty. Their training is progressing well and you will certainly notice a difference in their appearance!

Fingers crossed for better weather and a good month’s golf for everyone!

Nigel Davies                                                                                       nigeldavies78@gmail.com
Club Captain                                                                                      

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Seniors - This report dovetails with Stuart's usual report on today's golf (Winter League Round 6 - Final Round). We have done well ...