03 December, 2019

Seniors AGM and Texas Scramble December 3rd 2019

The results of today's competition from Mike Healey as follows:

Due to the number of holes closed, we could not play our usual nine-hole Texas Scramble competitions on either side of the course. Mr Senior Captain suggested a route and we picked our way around the course, some more successfully than others. 39 Seniors took part and there were three prizes:

First:        Ron Roberts, Tony Harcombe, Peter Taylor, Dave A Jones                29.95 points

Second:    Frank Rodenhurst, Steve Beech, Russ Adamson, Nigel Davies        30.20 points

Third:        Reg Peacock, Ernie Williams, Ralph Hardy, Bob Jarvis                    30.25 points

The December calendar has been sent out - remember to sign up for the Xmas Party and Texas Scramble beforehand.

The AGM was very well attended and supported. Seniors Captain Don Wraight asked the audience to stand in silence for a moment to remember those Seniors members who had passed away. The Agenda was then adhered to.

 Some photos taken at the event below.

Don delivering his Captains report

Don handing over a cheque for £360 from the Seniors Section to Kevin Forbes of the Royal British Legion.

Our new Captain Barry Dare being asked to take his chair and close the meeting.

The official welcome photo of Don shaking the hand of our new Captain  Barry.

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Seniors - This report dovetails with Stuart's usual report on today's golf (Winter League Round 6 - Final Round). We have done well ...