12 September, 2019

Pairs Better ball September 12th 2019

Thanks to Mike Healey for the following report.

50 Seniors turned out today for Pairs Betterball - almost not enough room on the golf course. The weather held despite a few light drops threatening just after midday. The winners were:

First:        Chris Jacques and John Kelty                        43 points

Second:    Peter Thomas and Alan Bottomley                 42 points

Third:        Maelor Davies and Pauline Peacock               41 points (countback)

Fourth:      Roy Jordan and Barry Dare                            41 points (countback)

Fifth:         Stewart Poole and Bob Brown                        40 points (countback)

There were no twos scored (at least by the members who had entered the competition). .

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Seniors - This report dovetails with Stuart's usual report on today's golf (Winter League Round 6 - Final Round). We have done well ...