26 September, 2019

9x3 plus 9x2 and away match vs Mold September 26th 2019

Thank you to Stcve Monk  AND Malcolm Williams for the following reports

With 20 members playing an away match against Mold GC, a further 20 turned up at Clays to play a '9 x 3' plus '9 x 2' competition. After much rain in the week the course was wet and a little heavy, but definitely playable. Five x four balls competed.

1st - Stewart Poole, Graham Bryne, Mike Parks and Ken Tieszen with 95 points.

2nd - Andy Mitchell, Peter Taylor, Damian Atkin and Maelor Davies with 91 points.we beat Mold 5 and a half to 4 and a half away! Good win in excellent conditions. Please can you thank all those who've supported Ernie and I all season as it was the last match of the year!

Message from Malcolm in Madrid

We beat Mold 5 and a half to 4 and a half away! Good win in excellent conditions. Please can you thank all those who've supported Ernie and I all season as it was the last match of the year!

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Seniors - This report dovetails with Stuart's usual report on today's golf (Winter League Round 6 - Final Round). We have done well ...