28 July, 2019

Another golf rule via Fred Court July 28th 2019 - Ref Red Penalty areas

28th July 2019. Red Penalty Areas vs GUR.
Recently advising a player his options after his ball entered a Red Penalty Area; he correctly observed the point of entry and proceeded to drop his ball clear of the tree overhang. His error is pointed out and he dropped within two club lengths of the boundary remaining below the overhang.
The new rules have introduced Red Penalty areas, which in many ways are similar to areas marked GUR, but is there a difference.
The answer is yes, GUR is the ground within the boundary marked as GUR, but includes any plantation rooted within the boundary, if the overhang of such plantation interferes with your stance or swing; relief is available from the overhang, even outside the marked boundary.
The definition for both Red and Yellow Penalty Areas states they extend both upward and downward from the Boundary. Therefore any plantation rooted within the Red Penalty Area does not include the overhang of the plantation and relief is not available from the overhang; hence the relief option of two club lengths shall be measured from the boundary regardless of any difficulties presented by plantation overhang. Sheriff.
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