27 June, 2019

Mexican Scramble June 27th 2019

Thanks to Mike Healey  for the results below

Quite a few members were playing in Senior knockout competitions today, so Kitty Comp. numbers were lower than normal but what a gorgeous day for golf. Slightly breezy, with many members trying to put each other off by wearing shorts over white stalks. Nevertheless, all golf was played in good humour and despite the four drives rule plus a par three in our Mexican Scramble, all groups managed to prevail (bar one who were instantly disqualified - no names, no pack drill). Because of numbers there was a three ball group and a four ball group with one winning team in each group. Starting with - 

Three Ball winners:

First        -        Damian Atkin, Andy Mitchell, Harold Hughes                        69.6 points

Second    -        John Falcus, Tony Owens, Noel Jones                                 71.4 points (on countback)

Third        -        Chris Jaques, Nigel Harris, Malcolm Williams                       71.4 points

Four Ball winners:

First        -         Don Wraight, Bob Brown, Peter Taylor, Tony Jackson            64.4 points

Second    -        Colin Evans, Andrew Jones, Mick Carnell, Graham Bryne       66.2 points

Third        -        Barry Evans, Mike Griffiths, Royan Anthony, Richard Key       69.1 points

Fourth      -        Bill Hughes, Derek Lyon, Maelor Davies, Peter Fraser            70.3 points

Senior Captain Don Wraight made a presentation, immediately following the competition, to Head Groundsman Mark Jones on behalf of the Senior section of the club. He thanked the section for their monetary donation, which was generously supported by the owner, Bill Lewis and Mark appreciatively accepted a substantial leaf blower for future use on the course. Once again, reference was made to the fantastic condition of the course and Mark acknowledged the comments. Well done Mark and team - keep it all going


Some photos and videos of the day below

View down the 16th

On the 1st tee

Yummy Coronation Chicken baguette via Hayley

Below Peter Fraser putting on the 15th

Below Maelor Davies driving off 1st tee

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Seniors - This report dovetails with Stuart's usual report on today's golf (Winter League Round 6 - Final Round). We have done well ...