27 June, 2019

Mexican Scramble June 27th 2019

Thanks to Mike Healey  for the results below

Quite a few members were playing in Senior knockout competitions today, so Kitty Comp. numbers were lower than normal but what a gorgeous day for golf. Slightly breezy, with many members trying to put each other off by wearing shorts over white stalks. Nevertheless, all golf was played in good humour and despite the four drives rule plus a par three in our Mexican Scramble, all groups managed to prevail (bar one who were instantly disqualified - no names, no pack drill). Because of numbers there was a three ball group and a four ball group with one winning team in each group. Starting with - 

Three Ball winners:

First        -        Damian Atkin, Andy Mitchell, Harold Hughes                        69.6 points

Second    -        John Falcus, Tony Owens, Noel Jones                                 71.4 points (on countback)

Third        -        Chris Jaques, Nigel Harris, Malcolm Williams                       71.4 points

Four Ball winners:

First        -         Don Wraight, Bob Brown, Peter Taylor, Tony Jackson            64.4 points

Second    -        Colin Evans, Andrew Jones, Mick Carnell, Graham Bryne       66.2 points

Third        -        Barry Evans, Mike Griffiths, Royan Anthony, Richard Key       69.1 points

Fourth      -        Bill Hughes, Derek Lyon, Maelor Davies, Peter Fraser            70.3 points

Senior Captain Don Wraight made a presentation, immediately following the competition, to Head Groundsman Mark Jones on behalf of the Senior section of the club. He thanked the section for their monetary donation, which was generously supported by the owner, Bill Lewis and Mark appreciatively accepted a substantial leaf blower for future use on the course. Once again, reference was made to the fantastic condition of the course and Mark acknowledged the comments. Well done Mark and team - keep it all going


Some photos and videos of the day below

View down the 16th

On the 1st tee

Yummy Coronation Chicken baguette via Hayley

Below Peter Fraser putting on the 15th

Below Maelor Davies driving off 1st tee

25 June, 2019

Kitty competition and home match vs Henlle June 25th 2019

Thank you to Andrew Mitchell for the following report
Due to a home match with Henlle only 11 members braved the rain to play a kitty comp.
After 9 holes the rain got heavier and annoying so we decide to finish the comp after 13 holes.
We then decided that there wouldn’t be any prizes and that the money raised would be donated to the Captain’s charity.
The Captain (Nigel to us) was very grateful and thanked us all for our donation

In the home match vs Henlle Malcolm Williams reported as follows
 It was a miserable morning until about mid-day when the rain eased! But a good morning golf-wise as we won 6-2. Yet again our visitors were full of praise about the superb course conditions and the excellent Carvery provided by Hayley!

24 June, 2019

Captains Newsletter June 2019

Clays Golf Club

Captain’s Newsletter : June 2019

Dear Member of Clays Golf Club

There is only one way to start this latest newsletter and that is to bring you up to date with the money raised by Russ for his “Big Dive” into the pond on the 7th. Thanks to Russ’s efforts and the generosity of members and friends, the fantastic amount of £475 was raised for our Prostate Cancer charity fund. We are very grateful to everyone for their donations - and we are particularly grateful to Russ!


A group of Clays members enjoyed a complimentary Away Day at Porthmadog GC on Wednesday, 22nd May. It was also very gratifying to read the email sent from a representative from Porthmadog Ladies’ Section following their visit to Clays on the same day in which she said that they “had a fantastic day and where all very impressed with the course and the very warm welcome (they) had from all of the staff”.

The Club Social Committee have come up with a pretty full calendar of golfing and/or social events for the next few months. In the immediate future is a quiz evening that will take place at the club following on from the monthly Social Golf on Friday, 28th June. Members, family and friends are most welcome to attend, regardless of whether they take part in the golf comp.

The next major event of the year is Captains’ Day on Saturday, 13th July. This will be a shotgun start competition starting at 9.30 a.m. and the sign-up sheet is currently in Reception. Prizes will be awarded following completion of the round with 1st and 2nd for Men’s, Ladies and Seniors, as well as Straightest Drive on the 10th, Nearest the Pin in 2 on the 18th, “Beat the Pro” on the 5th and a Ball Sweep for 2s. Refreshments will be available on the course, with any donations going towards the Captains’ charity. In the evening, during which I hope families and friends will also be able to join us, there will be a choice of meal provided by Hayley, a disco, a raffle and fun competitions, again with proceeds going to Prostate Cancer. Prices for the day are £5 for Golf Only, £10 for Evening Only and £12 for both Golf & Evening. Dawn and I would very much appreciate your support for this very important date in our club calendar.

I mentioned above about the raffle that will be taking place during the evening of Captains’ Day. We already have a number of prizes for this but if anyone has a raffle prize that they would like to donate, either for this event or for future ones, they would be most gratefully received.

I suggested in the previous newsletter that we are considering setting up a “200 Club” whereby members pay £1 per month to enter a prize draw in which up to £50 could be won each month. I’ve put a sign-up sheet on the Council noticeboard in the foyer but, unfortunately, to date we have an insufficient number of names to proceed. We’ll leave the sheet up a while longer to see if more people show interest in taking part but it may be the case that the plan doesn’t go ahead.

We have recently received a number of the Prostate Cancer badges to sell on to members. These can be purchased in Reception for a minimum £2 contribution per badge.

I also just thought that I would remind members of the fee for going into the Captains’ Charity Bunker on the 18th. Our Guide Dog Molly’s photo is on the collection tin so remember to feed Molly 50p if you’re unfortunate enough to be in the sand!


Finally, we are currently in the process of putting together the programme for a very special day later on in the year – our Charity Day in aid of Prostate Cancer which will be held on Sunday 13th October. Over the next few weeks, we are going to be approaching local businesses to ask if they would be interested in sponsoring holes and/or prizes on the day. We are also looking into the idea of having an overall event sponsor. We would like members who have their own business to have first choice for these. We are still working on the details but if anyone is interested then please let me know. As I say, this is a very important date in our calendar and we very much hope that we will raise a significant amount of money for this extremely worthy cause. Thanks very much in anticipation of your support.

Have a good month’s golf.

Nigel Davies                                                                                       nigeldavies78@gmail.com
Club Captain                                                                                      

Club News :

Congratulations to the Clays Ping Mixed Team (Jane Evans , Paul Stevenson, Dave Riley, Bev Hood, Christine Evans, Don Wraight) who played Llangollen at Mold GC and won 2-1 in round 2.
Their next round is v St Giles Newtown to be played at Royal St David’s GC, Harlech.

Clays Scratch team drew at home against Old Padeswood 2½    but lost in the Welsh team championships to Padeswood and Buckley at Denbigh.
The Scratch team have a match away at Hawarden on June 25th and then at home against Padeswood and Buckley on July 16th. If anyone would like to be considered for selection, could they please email Paul Lloyd at ps_lloyd@yahoo.co.uk  or call him on 07487848403.

Jane Evans and I won our Purves Cup match away at Denbigh GC and now play Dawn Thompson (Lady Captain) and Chris Jones (Immediate Past Captain) in the next round!

Dave Palferman, our Vice Captain, reports that the Clays DGU Team, resplendent in their new bright yellow polo shirts, gained a hard fought victory at Moss Valley 4½ to 3½. The next match is at home against Wrexham on Sunday 30 June.   

The Clays team in the WGU Handicap Team Championship came a respectable 3rd, missing out on a trip to Celtic Manor by just one point.

The Welsh Seniors’ Greensomes Championship Clays qualifier was held on the 30th May, with Stewart Poole and Damian Atkin the victorious pairing. They will now go on to represent Clays at the national finals to be held at Morlais Golf Club on the 19th September.

A large group of Seniors again enjoyed the annual trip to Devon, where a good time was had by all in spite of the weather! Many thanks to Fred Court for organising the whole trip and also to Don Wraight (Seniors Captain), Neville Bassett and Tony Harcombe for donating their prize money from winning the week’s overall competitions to the Captains’ charity.

The draw for the next round of the Jubilee Plate has been made and Clays have 5 pairs remaining out of the 32. Details can be found on the DGU noticeboard in the foyer.

The Seniors played Old Padeswood winning 5-4 in a tight match and then went on to win 10-0 at Home to Holywell.

Congratulations to our Vice Captain, Dave Palferman, for winning the (delayed) 2018 Clays Past captains and Officers competition. Thanks and best wishes to organiser Paul Williams.

A very successful Club Invitation Day was held on 22nd June, with members and guests from 12 different local clubs enjoying the course and catering facilities. Many thanks to Russ Adamson for his organisation of the day. Graham Davidson Clarke & Bruce Edwards won the main prize, with Paul Stevenson winning Nearest the Pin and Ant McAllister winning Nearest the Pin in 2. 2s were recorded by Paul Stevenson (2nd), Jane Evans (12th) and an excellent two 2s by Iwan Bonds (5th and 12th). It was gratifying to receive many compliments on behalf of the club from the visitors, particularly with reference to the improvements on the course in the last couple of years. Many thanks to Mark and all of his greenkeeping staff.

Club Results :

Congratulations to those members listed below on their recent golfing success.

Quarterly Medal :
1st        Patrick Whelan            2nd       Iwan Bonds

Club June Medal :
Division  1 :
1st        Iwan Bonds                 2nd       Stephen Hart  
Division 2 :
1st        Clive Davies              2nd       Andrew Jones
Division 3 :
            1st        Patrick Whelan            2nd       Harold Hughes

Ladies Midweek Stableford Qualifier :
1st        Beverley Hood           2nd       Pauline Peacock

Seniors June Medal :
Division 1 :
1st          Reg Peacock                2nd      Alan Barnsdale                    
Division 2 :
1st           Harold Hughes            2nd    Michael Healey     

Thursday 6th June : 9 Hole Qualifier:
1st            Michael Griffiths        2nd    Derek Lyon        

Tom and Kathleen Jones Cup :
1st        Andrew Jones                2nd   Frank Rodenhurst      

Powells Jewellers Trophy :
1st        Julie Hanmer Price          2nd   Dawn Thompson

Seniors Memorial Trophy :
            1st        Neville Bassett                 2nd Stewart Poole

Test Your Knowledge of the Rules of Golf : (Answer in next newsletter)
Player B's ball was lying badly. B was deliberating what action to take when player A, his marker, said: "You have no shot at all. If I were you, I would declare the ball unplayable." What is the ruling?
a) A is penalised two strokes for giving advice and, if B follows that advice, he too will incur a two stroke penalty.
b) A gave B information on the Rules and, hence, no penalty is incurred by either player.
c) As A's suggestion could have influenced B "in determining his play", it constituted advice and A is penalised two strokes. B is not penalised.

Answer to last month’s question :
A player plays her second shot, searches for her ball briefly and then announces she will go back and play a provisional ball. She drops and plays a second ball from where she played her previous stroke. The player then continues searching for her original ball and finds it within three minutes of when she first started
searching for it. What is the ruling?
a) The player may choose whether to continue with the original ball or the provisional ball.
b) The player must continue with the original ball.
c) The player must continue with the provisional ball.

The original 13 rules of golf  from 1744 ...

    1. You must Tee your Ball within a Club's length of the Hole.
    2. Your Tee must be upon the Ground.
    3. You are not to change the Ball which you Strike off the Tee.
    4. You are not to remove Stones, Bones or any Break Club, for the sake of playing your Ball, except upon the fair Green and that only within a Club's length of your Ball.
5. If your Ball comes among watter, or any wattery filth, you are at liberty to take out your Ball & bringing it behind the hazard and Teeing it, you may play it with any Club and allow your Adversary a Stroke for so getting out your Ball.
6. If your Balls be found anywhere touching one another, You are to lift the first Ball, till you play the last.
7. At “Holling”, you are to play your Ball honestly for the Hole, and not to play upon your Adversary's Ball, not lying in your way to the Hole.
8. If you should lose your Ball, by it's being taken up, or any other way, you are to go back to the Spot, where you struck last, & drop another Ball, And allow your adversary a Stroke for the misfortune.
9. No man at Holling his Ball, is to be allowed, to mark his way to the Hole with his Club, or anything else.
10. If a Ball be stopp'd by any Person, Horse, Dog or anything else, the Ball so stop'd must be play'd where it lyes.
    11. If you draw your Club in Order to Strike, & proceed so far in the Stroke as to be Accounted a Stroke.
    12. He whose Ball lyes farthest from the Hole is obliged to play first.
    13. Neither Trench, Ditch or Dyke, made for the preservation of the Links, nor the Scholar's Holes, or the Soldier's Lines, Shall be accounted a Hazard; But the Ball is to be taken out teed /and play'd with any Iron Club.

Dates for Your Diary :

25th June              Seniors v Henlle (Home)

27th June              Ladies Away Day @ Hawkstone Park

28th June              Social Golf followed by  Quiz Evening

30th June              DGU Team v Wrexham (Home)                 Ladies v St. Deiniol (Away)

3rd July                  Ladies Midweek Stableford Qualifier

4th July                  Seniors Medal

6th July                  Club/WG Monthly Medal

7th July                  DGU Captain’s Day @ Clays

8th July                  Ladies v Henllys (Away)

9th July                  Seniors v Aldersey Green (Home)

10th July               Club/WG Midweek Medal

12th July               Fairway Golf Day

13th July :   Captains’ Day              (golf + evening meal + disco)

14th July               Ladies v Caernarfon (Away)

16th July               Seniors/Vets Trophy

17th July               Ladies Fan Jones Trophy

20th July               Clays Fun Day & BBQ

23rd July               Seniors 2-Day Challenge (Day 1)

25th July               Seniors 2-Day Challenge (Day 2)

26th July               Ladies v Henllys (Home)

27th July               Club/Ladies Championship Day 1

28th July               Club/Ladies Championship Day 2

20 June, 2019

Stableford June 20th and home match vs Holywell

Thanks to Andrew Mitchell for the following results. Only 11 players as home match vs Holywell.

Individual stableford (11 Players)

1st Andrew Mitchell       35 points

2nd Graham Bryne          31 points

3rd Stewart Poole            30 points

In the home match vs Holywell Clays won 10 matches to nil.

18 June, 2019

Seniors Memorial Trophy June 18th 2019

Thank you to Mike Healey for thr following report and results and to Don Wraight for thephotograph.

43 Seniors turned out today - raring to go. The weather held nicely and the course was in fantastic condition. The ground staff were spraying various parts of the course, so warnings were issued about licking balls and they could do absolutely nothing about the previous rain in bunkers, so they all remained GUR. The Memorial Trophy is played under Stableford rules but remains as a qualifying competition in the club calendar. It was also held as a Kitty Comp. and there were 7 winners:-

1st place        Neville Bassett       35 points (on countback)

2nd place       Stewart Poole         35 points

3rd place        Nigel Davies           33 points (on countback)

4th place        Dave Palferman      33 points

5th place        Damian Atkin         32 points (on countback)

6th place        Peter Taylor           32 points    

7th place        Tony Jackson        31 points (on countback)

The twos Kitty comp was split three ways by - Mick Carnell, Peter Fraser and the evergreen Roy Jordan, who seems to be making birdies on par threes a personal hobby.

The Memorial Trophy was duly presented to Neville Bassett by Seniors Captain - Don Wraight, immediately after the event and Neville very generously donated his Kitty Comp. winnings to the Club Captain's Charity.

15 June, 2019

Devon Trip 2019 results

Thanks to Fred for supplying the results from Devon as below. Photos have been posted earlier on other pages.

Monday competition abandoned due to weather and lightening strikes onto the golf course.
Tuesday;- Irwin Elkin 33 pts; Tony Harcombe 32 pts; Dave A Jones 32 pts
Wednesday;-Graham DC 34 pts; Colin Bain (Guest)  33 pts; Stuart Leyland 31 pts
Thursday;- Tony Harcombe 35 pts; Colin Brown 34 pts; Graham DC 32 pts
Ramnee winner Tony Harcombe accumulated points 95 runner up Graham DC 92 Points then Stuart Leyland with 89 Points.
Forrest Trophy Don Wraight with 77 and a mention for Dave A Jones also with 77.
28 MyMy Neville Bassett with two holes scoring 4 points or better.

13 June, 2019

Clays golf June 13th 2019 course closed plus Devon photos

Today the course was closed due to recent heavy rain. Mike Drake has sent some more photos of the lads in Devon.

12 June, 2019

Seniors news June 11th 2019

Not much to report as weather been awful with lots of localised flooding.
On Tuesday 11th holes  16 and 17 were closed and today June 12th the course itself is closed.

The rain on Seniors day on the 11th was horrendous so I doubt anyone turned up to play?

The members who have gone to Devon have been experiencing bad weather as well including thunder and lightening! However some golf has been possible and Mike Drake has sent some photos as below.Thanks Mike.

04 June, 2019

Individual Stableford June 4th 2019

Thanks to Mike Healey for the following report

Only seven entries this morning in fine, drizzly rain (such was the popularity of the Shrewsbury Open) so an individual Stableford was the order of the day:

First          -      Bob Brown        40 points

Second      -     Roy Jordan        35 points

Not only did Roy pick up 2nd prize but he was the only member to score a two on the fifth hole

Seniors Competitions June 2019 via Mike Healey



Tuesday June 4th
Kitty Comp decided on the day depending on numbers
June 6th
JUNE MEDAL (Strokeplay, Men White Tees; Ladies Red)
(Stableford, Yellow Tees)
Book in advance on Seniors Notice Board. Also qualifies for Eclectic Comp.  See Don for late entries
Sunday June 9th     
June 11th     
Thursday June 13th     
‘9 x 3’ + ‘9 x 2’
Or best 2 scores from 3, (depending on numbers present)
Friday June 14th     
Tuesday June 18th   
Individual  Stableford
Thursday June 20th   
Players not in match book a tee
Tuesday May 25th
Players not in match book a tee
Thursday June 27th     
(4 Drives each, must include 1 par 3)

Tuesday July 2nd

Kitty Comp decided on the day depending on numbers
Thursday July 4th
JULY MEDAL (Stroke-play, Men
White Tees; Ladies Red)
(Stableford, Yellow Tees)
Book in advance on Seniors Notice Board. Also qualifies for Eclectic Comp. See Don for late entries


Seniors - This report dovetails with Stuart's usual report on today's golf (Winter League Round 6 - Final Round). We have done well ...