28 May, 2019

Rules regarding RED MARKERS on trees on various holes May 28th 2019 via FRED COURT

The issue does not seem to be going away; yesterday some players were convinced that taking relief from a RED area is a two shot penalty.
The rules identify the  possibility of a one shot penalty and also a two shot penalty when taking relief from a RED penalty area. Members appear to be confusing diagram 2-17.1d; and diagram 1-17.2a;
The first Diagram covers the situation of relief if a ball enters a RED penalty area, a player may create a relief area at the point the ball entered the area. 1 shot penalty playing 3 from the relief area.
The second diagram covers the situation when a ball enters a RED penalty area and the player elects to play out of the area and fails to do so by playing from “A” to “B” both inside the penalty area, he may elect to play stroke and distance by playing from “A” within the RED penalty area for a  1 shot penalty or create a relief area in the same place as for the one shot penalty above, but in this situation it is a 2 shot penalty playing 4 from the relief area.  
Diagram 2-17.2a shows a change to the relief area position when the ball is played from the relief area crosses the boundary and is deflected back in to point “B”. The position of the relief area is determined from the point the ball last crossed the boundary of the area. Hope the situation is clear. Sheriff

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