09 April, 2019

Las Vegas competition April 9th 2019

Mike Healey submitted the following report. Thanks Mike.

A great day for golf weather-wise and 20 pairs turned out to take full advantage of it. One person forgot to put his tally in and sadly ended up without a game!  There were a number of temporary greens due to ground staff working on the greens, spiking, sanding, cutting etc. For that reason we played a Las Vegas competition instead of the planned 'qualifier'. As one would expect, there were some high scores requiring calculators but also some tight scores on the leader board now that we are getting the hang of the scoring. 

Results  -

Ist Place  -  Martin Povey and Damian Atkin               (635 points)

2nd Place - Malcolm Williams and Dave Palferman      (652 points)

3rd Place - Peter Taylor and Tony Jackson                  (655 points)

4th Place - Mike Healey and Russ Adamson               (696 Points)

5th Place - Dave A Jones and John Kelty                    ( 705 points)

A Twos competition was held with a £6.00 carry over from last week. 37 players entered but 36 wished that they hadn't. There was only one winner  -  Russ Adamson on the 5th and he collected the princely sum of £13.40 - well done Russ.

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Seniors - This report dovetails with Stuart's usual report on today's golf (Winter League Round 6 - Final Round). We have done well ...