28 February, 2019

Nearly St Davids Day competition February 28th 2019

We had a great  turn out of 61 Seniors for this very popular annual event. The event is sponsored by Roy Jones a past Seniors Captain. It was such a shame that the day was somewhat spoiled by heavy rain for most of the event. It started raining after about 3 holes and never stopped. Afterwards the weather went very murky!!

Thanks must go to the Seniors Committee for organising the day and in particular to Steve Monk for sorting the scores out whilst he ate his lunch! Hayley provided soup and excellent sandwiches after everyone came in.


  1. Dilly Jones with a superb score of 43 points
  2. Damian Atkin 40 points
  3. Mike Kalka 40 points
  4. Michael McHugh 39 points
  5. Mike Drake 38 points
  6. Keith Hawthorn 38 points
  7. Mike Healy 37 points
  8. Derek Jones 37 points

Some photos of the day below:

Damian Atkin who came 2nd

Damian with Stewart Poole (who came nowhere!!)

Malcolm Williams teeing off on the 1st

Roy Jones teeing off the 1st

Rain really coming down on the 9th tee

View down the 16th showing the mist starting to form

Platter of sandwiches for each table lus a bowl of soup per person 

Steve Monk working hard sorting the cards out....well done Steve

View over driving range as the murky weather comes in

Don Seniors Captain announcing the winners

Dilly just hoping he is in the frame!!

Dilly receiving the trophy from Roy Jones along with Don Wraight the Seniors Captain

26 February, 2019

Las Vegas Competition February 26th 2019

Las Vegas kitty competition February 26th 2019

Whats a super day to play golf. Temperature around 17-18C with clear blue skies and wall to wall sunshine.

This was a new format explained in detail by Steve Monk after the tally draw had been made.
Results as follows:
1.       Colin Brown and Malcolm Williams 696

2.       Nigel Harris and Mike Ryan 699

3.       Tony Owens and Barry Dare 703

4.       Keith Hawthorn and Joe White 706

In the 2’s competition organised by Peter Bowen  there were 4 winners namely David A  Jones on the 2nd and Mike Kalka, Steve Monk and Alan Barnsdale on the on the 5th. It must be noted that David A Jones playing alongside Mike Turner had an amazing round. He chipped in on 4 holes, including the 2nd and holed out with some amazing putts on several holes. In future his name will be “Chipper Jones”
Photos and videos taken on the day below.
Mike Turner on the 16th tee

View from Derek's buggie up the 18th

Alan "chipper" Jones watching Mike Turner take his 2nd shot on the 1st

Alan about the take his 2nd shot on the 1st

View down the 1st fairway

Crocus in Don Wraight's border on the 11th

Below David A Jones driving down the 16th

Below Mike Turner driving down 16th

Below Russ Adamson waiting for 18th tee to clear before driving off. His ball finished just in front of the Captains Bunker. 

22 February, 2019

Seniors Medal Stableford February 21st 2019

Division 1

  1. Alan Barnsdale 38 points
  2. Andrew Mitchell 37 points
  3. Tony Owens 36 points
  4. Dave Palferman 35 points
  5. Colin Brown 35 points

Division 2
  1. Barry Dare 40 points
  2. Dilly Jones 37 points
  3. Damian Atkin 37 points
  4. Peter Fraser 37 points
  5. Joe White 36 points

19 February, 2019

Seniors Winter League final positions February 19th 2019. Thanks to Steve Monk for organising and supplying the results

Final League Table after 6 Rounds
Nov 13th Nov 27th Jan 8th Jan 22nd Feb 5th Feb 19th 
Rank Name Round 1 Round 2 Round 3 Round 4 Round 5 Round 6 Total Points
1 Alan Bottomley 10 10 10 1 5 36
2 Dilly Jones 7 6 8 10 31
3 Dave Palferman 2 9 7 8 26
4 Harold Hughes 3 5 3 9 4 24
5 Mike Ryan 4 9 6 19
6 Chris Jacques 7 8 15
7 Martin Povey 9 3 1 13
7 Reg Peacock 8 4 1 13
7 Stewart Poole 10 3 13
10 Andy Mitchell 4 8 12
11 MalcolmWilliams     10
12 Barry Dare 9 9
12 Damian Atkin
14 Dave F Jones 8 8
15 Dave A Jones 7 7
15 Frank Rodenhurst
15 Keith Hawthorn 1 6 7
15 Mike Kalka 7 7
15 Tony Owens 7 7
20 Cliff Davies 6 6
20 Maelor Davies
20 Mike Healey 4 2 6
23 Alan Barnsdale 5 5
23 Don Wraight 5 5
23 Ernie Williams 5 5
23 John Falcus 5 5
23 Mick Carnell 1 4 5
28 Graham Bryne 3 3
28 Nigel Harris 2 1 3
28 Tom McGrady 3 3
31 Bob Jarvis 2 2
31 Mike Drake
31 Steve Monk 2 2

Seniors Winter League final Round February 19th 2019

43 seniors were present today to play the final round of this years Seniors Winter League. Conditions were good with all 18 holes open for play (holes 2, 11 and 16 were on temporary greens). Results were - 

1st, scoring 10 points in the league - Malcolm Williams, with 42 stableford points.

2nd, scoring 9 points - Damian Atkin, with 41 points
3rd, scoring 8 points - Chris Jacques, with 40 points
4th, scoring 7 points - Frank Rodenhurst, also with 40 points (on countback).

5th, scoring 6 points - Maelor Davies, also with 40 points (on countback).

6th, scoring 5 points - Alan Bottomley, also with 40 points (on countback).

7th, scoring 4 points - Harold Hughes, with 39 points.

8th, scoring 3 points - Stewart Poole, also with 39 points (on countback).

9th, scoring 2 points - Mike Drake, with 38 points.

10th, scoring 1 point - Reg Peacock, also with 38 points (on countback)

14 February, 2019

Stableford competition February 14th 2019

Thanks to Malcolm Williams for this report on the 8 hole competition.

There were two competitions this morning -  15  played an 8 hole comp on the near side of the road (2nd closed) while the others played a normal 17 hole comp.

Results as follows:-   !st:- Nigel Davies - 15 points (better back 5). Good to see Nigel who is the Club Vice- Captain back to his winning ways....well done Nigel.
                                     2nd=  Alan Pocklington & Cliff Davies - 15 points( same back 5!)
                                     4th=  Tony Owens & Mike Healey -14 points( same back 5!)

Peter Bowen kindly sent results of the 17 hole competition as below

21 Golfers played the 17 holes. There were 5 prizes and 1 two.
1st Mike Drake thanks to 9 points in two holes. He got 5 on the 16th and 4 on the 17th  giving him a total of 38 points.
2nd our ever popular captain Don Wraight with 36 points
3rd Dave Palferman also with 36 points but 19 on the back 9 compared to Don's 21
4th Russ Adamson 34 points . Nice to see him back.
5th Mike Ryan
Peter Bowen won the two's with a 2 on the 5th. We done Peter.

12 February, 2019

Seniors 9x3 plus 9x2 February 12th 2019

43 Seniors competed today.The weather was fine around 6C with no rain thank goodness!!
Hole 2 was out and holes 10 and 11 were on temporary greens.
There were 5 teams of 3 and 7 teams of 4

4 Ball team winners
1st Dilly Jones, Reg Peacock, Mike Ryan and Mike Drake  104 points
In second place were Steve Monk, Barry Evans, Noel Jones and Malcolm Williams.
Noel had a 2 on the 17th. He used his driver followed by a long putt from off the green to card 5 points

3Ball team winners
1st John Kelty, Peter Taylor and Damian Atkin 94 points
In second place were Bill Hughes, Alan Bottomley and Nigel Harris with 83 points

In the 2 ball sweep there were 3 winners
Don Wraight and  Chris Jacques on the 5th
Noel Jones on the 17th

Below is a video of Frank Rodenhurst teeing off the 9th tee. His ball went into the large bunker.

09 February, 2019

Seniors February events revised from Steve Monk



Tuesday Feb 5th         

Thursday Feb 7th     
Course closed – heavy rain

Tuesday Feb 12th     
‘9 x 3’ PLUS ‘9 x 2’

Thursday Feb 14th      
Today is the funeral of Reg Taylor, at 3.30pm. A 9-hole game may be arranged for those wishing to go, and a full 18-hole game for those who will not be going. Numbers present at 8.45 will determine playing arrangements.
Tuesday Feb 19th     

Thursday Feb 21st    
FEBRUARY ‘MEDAL’ (Stableford, Yellow Tees)
Draw is on Club Website Booking Page
Tuesday Feb 26th  
LAS VEGAS – a new type of pairs competition. **
** - Don’t be put off, but you might find it handy to bring a calculator.
Thursday Feb 28th  
(donated by Mr Roy Jones)
Entries in advance (for catering numbers).
Fee = £10, paid on the day, to include Coffee + Welsh Cakes on arrival; Soup and Sandwich lunch; Welsh themed prizes; 2’s Ball Sweep.
Prizes kindly supported by Mr Roy Jones.
Tuesday Mar 5th  

Thursday Mar 7th
MARCH ‘MEDAL’ (Stableford, Yellow Tees)
Entries in advance via sheet on Notice Board

05 February, 2019

Seniors Winter League Round 5 February 5th 2019

Thank you to Steve Monk for the following results

I believe only 17 holes open with hole 2 closed

40 seniors played today in the Senior Winter League, Round 5. For the first half dozen holes the course was white over with a fairly hard frost, but gradually green conditions returned as the frost thawed. Otherwise, a pleasant day for golf.
Results were:

1st, securing 10 points in the league - Dilly Jones with a round of 38 stableford points.

2nd, 9 league points - Harold Hughes with 34 points.

3rd, 8 league points - Dave Palferman with 33 points.

4th, 7 league points - Mike Kalka, also with 33 points (on countback).
5th, 6 league points - Mike Ryan, also with 33 points (on countback).

6th, 5 league points - Don Wraight, also with 33 points (on countback).

7th, 4 league points - Reg Peacock, also with 33 points (on countback).

8th, 3 league points - Graham Bryne, with 32 points.

9th, 2 league points - Mike Healey, also with 32 points (on countback).

10th, 1 league point - Alan Bottomley, also with 32 points (on countback).


Seniors - This report dovetails with Stuart's usual report on today's golf (Winter League Round 6 - Final Round). We have done well ...