10 September, 2018

A golf rule from Fred ref ball deemed unplayable

Sheriff on rules, 8th Sept.2018. Following on from a discussion last week, some members may be confused in regard to your options when your ball in play is deemed unplayable.
A player may declare their “ball in play” “unplayable” at any time. Often with an incorrect statement “I declare that ball Lost”.

So what are the options? If you have played your ball some distance you may declare it unplayable (your ball is not yet lost until the allotted time has passed), your option is to play from where you last played (Stroke and Distance).
If you have played your ball forward and walked forward to search, upon finding your ball within the prescribed time limit (soon to be reduced to 3 minutes). You may declare you ball unplayable should you wish to do so (even if the ball is playable) . As the position of the ball is known you, you have 3 options to consider. Don’t forget each of the options incurs a penalty stroke.
(i) Measured from the ball position, and drop a ball within two club lengths not nearer the hole.
(ii)  Visualise an imaginary straight line from the Flag pin position which passes through the position of the ball and continue beyond the ball. You may drop a ball anywhere on this extension of the line behind the ball and not as some believe back on your fairway.
(iii) Walk back and play stroke and distance from where you last played.

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