16 August, 2018

Stableford both scores counting August 16th 2018 including news about defibrillator

Thank you to Nigel Davies for supplying the following results:

41 Seniors played a Stableford Both Scores Count format today.

Results as follows :
1st Stewart Poole and Joe White   74pts

2nd Martin Povey and Damian Atkin   71pts

3rd Stuart Leyland and Mike Hollings   69pts

4th Dave Jones and Nigel Davies   68pts (countback) 

5th Neville Bassett and Bob Jarvis  68pts

The only 2 today was scored by Jon Falcus on the 12th. 

Nigel also passed on some information arising from the recent defibrillator test. The recommendation is that, in the event of an emergency, before calling for the defibrillator, we should dial 112 rather than 999 from a smartphone as the emergency services would then be able to trace your exact location via GPS.

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Seniors - This report dovetails with Stuart's usual report on today's golf (Winter League Round 6 - Final Round). We have done well ...