25 June, 2018

Don Wraight and friends 72 holes of golf for Macmillan Longest Golf day June 21st 2018

On Thursday 21st June 2018 Gareth Wraight(22) Don Wraight(10), Steve Allen(21) and Giles Barber(15) set off at 6am at The Pytchley Golf Lodge in an attempt to complete 72 holes of Golf for the McMillan Longest Golf Day.

Pytchley Golf Lodge is a 9 hole course situated in Pytchley Northants and by no means an easy course.
The day was bright and sunny but with a chill stiff wind making the golf a lot tougher.
We completed the first 27 holes by 9.30 and stopped for a bacon bap and coffee.
The next 18 was a little tougher but with the help of the staff at Pytchley who supplied refreshments, chocolate bars and sun cream we managed to complete another 9 holes by 4pm.

Lunch was supplied and all that was left was a casual 18 hole to complete which was achieved by 7.40. In between the 9 holes drinks again were supplied with more chocolate, well needed to boost us up.

To date the lads have raised a total of £1124.00 and growing. Gareth had scrounged some prizes from Travis Perkings and created a raffle whch has been on going. He also managed to get lots of free entry tickets for the TP Masters which is held at Woburn Golf Club at the end of August
Pytchley Golf Lodge was amazing in all the help and assistance they gave us. They even donated the cost of the day to the charity and food and drinks were on them too. Highly recommended if your ever that way.
McMillan had a competition for the 2 best scores over the 72 holes. We managed a total of 350 pts

Some interesting stats.....
We each walked:
21.5 miles
49123 steps
72 holes
89 floors of steps
Burnt 5356 calories
13 hours 10 minutes

Last Checked we are at £904 of sponsorship with a few more to come in, and the raffle totals from Pytchley golf lodge, which they said they had to run out and buy another Raffle book so easily another £100 coming in.
Thank you to everyone who donated
Gile and Steve
The Travis Par-Kings
Your Awesome Foursome

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Seniors - This report dovetails with Stuart's usual report on today's golf (Winter League Round 6 - Final Round). We have done well ...