29 June, 2018

Seniors Events July 2018



Tuesday July 3rd     
 Kitty Comp to be decided on the day depending on numbers
Thursday July 5th  
JULY MEDAL (Stroke Play, White Tees) plus
9-HOLE QUALIFIER (Stableford, Yellow Tees)
Entries in advance via sheet on board
Sunday  July 8th
Hosted by DGU Captain 2018,

Tuesday July 10th 
Players not in match, book a tee

Wednesday July 11th

Thursday July 12th
Followed by a Committee Meeting

Tuesday July 17th    
Honours Board Competition
Thursday July 19th   
Kitty Comp to be decided on the day depending  on numbers
Tuesday July 24th  
Honours Board Competition.
Thursday July 26th 
Honours Board Competition.
Tuesday July 31st   

Wednesday August 1st

Thursday Aug 2nd  
Entries in advance via sheet on board

Mexican Scramble June 28th 2018

There were 36 players competing in 9 teams of 4 in a Mexican Scramble event, a variation from the more usual Texas Scramble.

 Results were:
1st - Mike Hollings, Tony Owens, Dave F Jones and Mick Carnell with a score of 58.5.

2nd - Don Wraight, Stewart Poole, Chris Jacques and Mike Parks, also with 58.5 (on countback).

3rd - Fred Court, Neville Bassett, Alan Bottomley and Nigel Davies with 60.5.

Some photos and videos of the day below

View towards 16th green

Cliff attending the water hose on the 16th only to release too early and drench Bill on the green! 

Bill celebrating his putt for a birdie on the 14th only to get drenched when Cliff let the water start again!!

Cliff Davies helping Bill to find his ball on the 8th.....it was lost!!

Bill Kelleher preparing to take his tee shot on the 12th and below him playing his shot which was not very good to say the least but at least the team made a 4

When viewing videos click on the full screen option on each video for a better experience and better quality

Below Bill Kelleher driving on 5th tee

Below Cliff Davies driving down the 9th

Below Bill Kelleher driving down the 1st

26 June, 2018

Kitty competition June 26th 2018 and home match versus Henlle

Thank you to Steve Monk for providing the following report. Derek reports that the temperature to day was 29C at 11.30!

In addition to today's home match against Henlle, a further 26 Seniors played in various games before the match started.

18 competed in an Individual Stableford kitty competition for which 4 prizes were awarded. 
Results were as below.
1st - Tony Owen with 35 points.

2nd -Mike Goring with 33 points and back 9 of 17.

3rd - Ron Roberts with 33 points and back 9 of 16.

4th - Steve Monk with 33 points and back 9 of 15 point

In the match vs Helle Clays lost by 5 matches to 3. Nigel Davies had the only 2 of the day on the 5th, Hayley provided a superb carvery.

25 June, 2018

Don Wraight and friends 72 holes of golf for Macmillan Longest Golf day June 21st 2018

On Thursday 21st June 2018 Gareth Wraight(22) Don Wraight(10), Steve Allen(21) and Giles Barber(15) set off at 6am at The Pytchley Golf Lodge in an attempt to complete 72 holes of Golf for the McMillan Longest Golf Day.

Pytchley Golf Lodge is a 9 hole course situated in Pytchley Northants and by no means an easy course.
The day was bright and sunny but with a chill stiff wind making the golf a lot tougher.
We completed the first 27 holes by 9.30 and stopped for a bacon bap and coffee.
The next 18 was a little tougher but with the help of the staff at Pytchley who supplied refreshments, chocolate bars and sun cream we managed to complete another 9 holes by 4pm.

Lunch was supplied and all that was left was a casual 18 hole to complete which was achieved by 7.40. In between the 9 holes drinks again were supplied with more chocolate, well needed to boost us up.

To date the lads have raised a total of £1124.00 and growing. Gareth had scrounged some prizes from Travis Perkings and created a raffle whch has been on going. He also managed to get lots of free entry tickets for the TP Masters which is held at Woburn Golf Club at the end of August
Pytchley Golf Lodge was amazing in all the help and assistance they gave us. They even donated the cost of the day to the charity and food and drinks were on them too. Highly recommended if your ever that way.
McMillan had a competition for the 2 best scores over the 72 holes. We managed a total of 350 pts

Some interesting stats.....
We each walked:
21.5 miles
49123 steps
72 holes
89 floors of steps
Burnt 5356 calories
13 hours 10 minutes

Last Checked we are at £904 of sponsorship with a few more to come in, and the raffle totals from Pytchley golf lodge, which they said they had to run out and buy another Raffle book so easily another £100 coming in.
Thank you to everyone who donated
Gile and Steve
The Travis Par-Kings
Your Awesome Foursome

22 June, 2018

Seniors Yellow Ball June 21st 2018

Today's results as follows kindly sent from Nigel Davies

Two Yellow Ball competitions running concurrently with 5 4-ball groups and 5 3-balls.

3-Ball competition :
1st Dave Jones, Mike Parks and Peter Fraser   119pts

2nd Tony Owens, Harry Collins and Rodney Evans  118pts

4-ball competition :
1st Ralph Hardy, Barry Evans, Malcolm Williams and Alan Bottomley   145pts

2nd  Mike Kalka, Colin Evans, Mike Turner and Cliff Davies  141pts

20 June, 2018

Clays Seniors memorial Trophy June 19th 2018

Sincere thanks to Steve Monk for the following report

Today (19th June) we played an individual stableford competition for the 
Clays Seniors Memorial Trophy. 45 members played in a keenly contested 
round. After the event, before presentations, a one minute silence was 
held in memory of our former colleagues, whose names Captain Don Wraight 
slowly read out whilst we all stood. This gave the day true meaning and 
was a moving addition to previous occasions when the event has been 

Results of the competition were:
1st, and winner of the Trophy - Neville Bassett with 39 points.

2nd - Dilly Jones with 38 points.

3rd - Harold Hughes with 37 points.

4th - Nigel Davies with 37 points.

5th - Martin Povey with 37 points.

6th - Mick Carnell with 36 points.

7th - Don Wraight with 36 points
8th - Keith Halliwell with 36 points.

As usual, identical scores were separated by countback.

17 June, 2018

Message from Fred regarding Okehampton golf June 2019

Derek can you place this on the Blog as info to those for whom I do not have an email address. Fred

I have made an advanced booking for “The Manor” Okehampton for next year Sunday 9th June to Friday 14th June 2019.
Price per person is £380, reducing down to £351 or even £342 if I am able to receive a deposit of £95 from all interested parties and am able to pass these deposits on to the Manor within the next four weeks.
Please email me if you wish to join us on this away event and I shall chase you for your deposit.
Regards Fred

16 June, 2018

Results from Devon Trip June 2018

Results from a very enjoyable trip down to Devon with 22 members and 4 guests. Weather was most favourable with minimal rain on a couple of days and a tad too hot on others. As usual the banter was good, thanks to all Present.
Day one:- “Pines 10th, I mean 1st”  (explanation of this from Fred is Pines 10th was the course I booked  but on the day there was a change I had not picked up from an email, so I took a little bit of banter as some of us including myself played of the 10th whilst the others started on the 1st.

Stuart Miles 41 pts. Neville Bassett 39 pts. Stuart Leyland 38 pts.

Day Two:- “Kigbeare” Mike Drake 38 pts. Neville Bassett 38 pts. Ivan Corlett 36 pts. 

Day Three:- “Pines” Chris Stevens 37 pts. Mike Hollings 36 pts. Tony Harcombe 36 pts.

Day Four:- “Oakwood” Don Wraight 40 pts. Mike Hollings 36 pts. Stuart Miles 35 pts
28 My A** :- Neville Bassett with 10 holes 4 pts. or better.

Draw Slammer's Bonus:- Neville Bassett and Dave Fergus with 208.9

Forrest Trophy :- Don Wraight with a best Nett score of 64.

Ramnee Trophy:- Neville Bassett with accumulated points score of 142.

Some photos of the trip below

14 June, 2018

Seniors 9x3 plus 9x2 kitty competition June 14th 2018

Thanks to Nigel Davies for the following report.

20 Seniors played a 9x3/9x2 competition today in blustery but fine and dry conditions.

Result as follows:

1st Maelor Davies, Harry Collins, Dilly Jones and Nigel Davies   98pts

2nd  Tom McGrady, Mick Carnell, Mike Griffiths and Bob Jarvis   89pts

12 June, 2018

Seniors Betterball Stableford June 12th 2018

With many seniors on their week in Devon 28 members played at Clays today in the kitty competition.

 The course was in excellent condition and perhaps it might like a little rain soon...fingers crossed.

The first picture from Devon came courtesy of Mike Drake

This shows members relaxing on their first night

The results are as follows

  1. Stewart Poole and Steve Monk 44 pts. 
  2. Cliff Davies and Dilly Jones  41 pts. 
  3. Colin Brown and Ralph Hardy 40pts 
  4. Bob Brown and Harry Collins 40pts  
The full results can be found on "How did I do" website. If one logs onto Clays website and then goes to members area one can log in from there as long as you have registered 

Some videos of putting on the 13th green can be viewed below.Derek took the videos whilst relaxing in one of the new buggies. He failed to complete the hole after getting into trouble in a bunker so he left it all to Harold! When watching each video if you click on full screen link you will be able to see the ball moving

08 June, 2018

Seniors individual Stableford Tuesday June 5th 2018

Seniors Individual Stableford

Clays Golf Club 05/06/2018
Peter Fraser won with 5 pars beating Harold Hughes in a card play off.
  • 1
    Peter Fraser
  • 2
    Harold Hughes
  • 3
    Stewart Poole

Seniors Medal and 9 hole Stableford qualifier June 7th 2018

9 Hole Stableford Qualifier.8 Seniors competed

  1. Mike Parks 19pts
  2. Bill Hughes 17 pts
  3. Reg Taylor 13 pts

The results of he actual medal can be found below

Senior Monthly Medal

Clays Golf Club 07/06/2018
Rodney Evans won division 1 going out in 44 coming back in 45 with 3 pars beating Andrew Mitchell by 1 shot. Dave Lloyd won division 2 going out in 50 coming back in 48 with 2 pars beating Michael Drake in a card play off.
  • Division 1
  • 1
    Rodney Evans
    89 - 18c = 71
  • 2
    Andrew Mitchell
    87 - 15c = 72
  • 3
    Dilwyn Jones
    91 - 19c = 72
  • Division 2
  • 1
    Dave Lloyd
    98 - 23c = 75
  • 2
    Michael Drake
    101 - 26c = 75
  • 3
    Pauline Peacock
    97 - 22c = 75

04 June, 2018

Seniors events June 2018



Tuesday June 5th    
 Kitty Comp decided on the day depending on numbers
Thursday June 7th   
JUNE MEDAL (Stroke Play, White Tees) plus
9-HOLE QUALIFIER (Stableford, Yellow Tees)
Draw on Board. See Don for late entries.
Sunday June 10th     

Tuesday June 12th 

Thursday June 14th
‘9x3’ + ‘9x2’
Or Best 2 scores from 3, (depending on numbers present)
Saturday June 16th

Tuesday June 19th     
Individual Stableford
Thursday June 21st  
YELLOW BALL (4,5,4.5)

Tuesday June 26th
Players not in match, book a tee.

Thursday June 28th  
(4 Drives each, must include 1 par 3)

Tuesday July 3rd 
 Kitty Comp decided on the day depending on numbers
Thursday July 5th
JULY MEDAL (Stroke Play, White Tees) plus
9-HOLE QUALIFIER (Stableford, Yellow Tees)
Entries in advance via sheet on board

01 June, 2018

Senior Captain's Invitation Day May 31st 2018

Thank you to Steve Monk for the following report.

Today was Senior Captain's Invitation Day. The format was Pairs Betterball Stableford, off white tees and with full handicap allowances. 28 pairs participated with a healthy mix of home players and guests from other golf clubs.

The golf course was in good condition, with both fairways and rough cut to good lengths, the bunkers all re-sanded and the greens almost back to top condition following their late spring treatments.

Results were:
1st - Ron Roberts and Tom McGrady with 46 points.

2nd - Don Wraight and Steve Monk with 42 points (22 on back 9).

3rd - Nigel Davies and Jon Falcus with 42 points (19 on back 9).

There were also 3 cards ith a score of 41; from guests Paul Dunning and Ed Garbett; Ed Bowden and Andy Oxton; and home players Tom Pierce and Bob Jarvis.

The prize for nearest the pin in 2 shots on the 18th was won by Mike Hawker from Northop Hall Golf Club.


Seniors - This report dovetails with Stuart's usual report on today's golf (Winter League Round 6 - Final Round). We have done well ...