18 January, 2018

Seniors Individual Stableford January 18th 2018

Seniors Captain Don Wraight kindly provided the following report. Derek away in cold North Wales where it is cold and very wet. Roll on summer!

14 showed this morning. Weather was very nice dry and just a breeze after last nights high winds.

15 holes open

1st Don Wraight 34pts

2nd Richard Key 33pts (c/b)

3rd Alan Bottomley 33pts

4th Andrew Mitchell 30pts

Picture was Andrews ball plugged in the top of the bunker on the 5th hole. As bunker was ground under repair he was able to get a free drop.....however for some reason he managed to score nil points as he scored a 5!! The photo below shows position of his ball!

Tom McGrady supplied the 2's results....
There were 14 players today but a pot of £3.00 as I was able to “encourage” Maelor to pay before I realised he was not going to be playing!!!!! He very kindly insisted that his contribution should stand.

In the end it was a good decision because there were three 2s worth £1 each as follows:

Andrew Mitchell on the 12th

Richard Key on the 5th AND the 12th……. Can’t recall that happening before!!?

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Seniors - This report dovetails with Stuart's usual report on today's golf (Winter League Round 6 - Final Round). We have done well ...