30 January, 2018

9x3 9x2 January 30th 2018

Seniors Captain Don Wraight kindly supplied the results as well as a request at the end of the results.

Some 30 or so turned up today. Played a 9x3 9x2  comp 2,16,17 closed

2x 3 balls
Winners Chris Jacques, Martin Povey, Noel Jones.......73pts

4 balls

Winners Mike Healey, John Kelty, Maelor Davies, cliff Davies......85pts

2nd            Don Wraight, Steve Wilson, Joe White, Steve Beech.....84pts

Steve Wilson who is the new Pro at Clays will be holding a clinic for the Seniors and more news about that will follow.

On separate note will all Seniors please note the following:-

Can All Seniors please be aware that when they book a tee time on the BRS system that they must either show up for that tee slot or cancel their slot.
Too many are failing to show and there will be a time when this will seriously effect revenue for the club.
Failing to show or cancel could in the future also penalise them for booking further tee time in future.
Can they also stop using players names that will not be in their group

25 January, 2018

Individual Stableford January 25th 2018

Today was supposed to be the medal but is was postponed due to the state of the course (which was closed yesterday)
Todays results kindly supplied by Nigel Davies


Today's results were kindly  supplied by Nigel Davies.

  15 holes open and heavy going underfoot but the course is holding up very well considering the amount of rain t
 Results as follows :
1st Richard Key  31pts

2nd Tom McGrady  30pts

3rd Nigel Davies  29pts  (back 6)

4th Peter Fraser  29pts 

There was just one 2 scored today: Nigel Davies on the 12th.

24 January, 2018

Winter League round 4 January 23rd 2018

Results kindly sent by Steve Monk

Today we played Round 4 of this year's Winter League, with 37 players starting. Unfortunately 2 members suffered injuries to their hips / backs, so 35 completed.

Hole 2, 16 and 17 were closed today so the competition was held over the remaining 15 holes.

Results were as follows.
1st, scoring 10 points in the league, was David Lloyd, with 33 stableford points.

2nd, 9 points, Mike Healey with 32 points.

3rd, 8 points, Mike Drake with 32 points *.

4th, 7 points, Reg Peacock with 30 points.

5th, 6 points, Roy Jordan with 30 points. *

6th, 5 points, Don Wraight with 30 points.*

7th, 4 points, Dave Palferman with 29 points.

8th, 3 points, Martin Povey with 29 points. *

9th, 2 points, Malcolm Williams with 29 points. *

10th, 1 point, Tom McGrady with 28 points.
* - these scores were separated by the usual countback method.

The results of the 2's  competition via John Kelty as follows:
There were 3 winners all on the 12th hole namely Steve Monk, Chris Jacques and John Kelty.

Life membership of Seniors Section awarded to Fred Court January 24th 2018

       The committee considered that a new category of member should be instituted, that of Life Member, to be decided by the committee.   This would recognise a member who had made a major contribution to the Section by serving on committees and in other ways over a considerable period of time.   A Life Member would remain a member of the Section without payment of subscription for as long as he or she wished to do so.
The committee unanimously voted that Fred Court should be the first to be offered Life Membership.

Photo below showing Fred receiving his Life membership
The above is part of the minutes from committee meeting explaining the Life membership

18 January, 2018

Seniors Individual Stableford January 18th 2018

Seniors Captain Don Wraight kindly provided the following report. Derek away in cold North Wales where it is cold and very wet. Roll on summer!

14 showed this morning. Weather was very nice dry and just a breeze after last nights high winds.

15 holes open

1st Don Wraight 34pts

2nd Richard Key 33pts (c/b)

3rd Alan Bottomley 33pts

4th Andrew Mitchell 30pts

Picture was Andrews ball plugged in the top of the bunker on the 5th hole. As bunker was ground under repair he was able to get a free drop.....however for some reason he managed to score nil points as he scored a 5!! The photo below shows position of his ball!

Tom McGrady supplied the 2's results....
There were 14 players today but a pot of £3.00 as I was able to “encourage” Maelor to pay before I realised he was not going to be playing!!!!! He very kindly insisted that his contribution should stand.

In the end it was a good decision because there were three 2s worth £1 each as follows:

Andrew Mitchell on the 12th

Richard Key on the 5th AND the 12th……. Can’t recall that happening before!!?

16 January, 2018

Seniors Waltz competition January 16th 2018

Thank you to Seniors Captain Don Wraight for the following report and notification regarding DGU/WGU fees

26 played today in cold conditions but it remained fairly dry

1st Andy Mitchell, Tom McGrady Keith Hawthorn 69 pts

2nd Bob Brown, Maelor Davies, Malcolm Williams 68pts

3rd Mike Healey Nigel Davies 67 pts ( played as a 2 ball)

Can you also put on Seniors blog that there will be an invoice arriving from Clays for the 2017 DGU/GUW Fees. These will be for £15.20. The Clays council has agreed to forfeit the levy for 2017 due to the previous management and arrears issues.

2018 will be invoiced in April/May making us back on track regarding our fees

And a note from Derek.....keep warm tonight as weather due to turn cold with possible snow

11 January, 2018

Texas scramble January 11th 2018

Thanks to  Steve Monk for supplying the following result

We played a Texas Scramble today with 31 players making up 8 teams. 

The team with only 3 players received the normal adjustment to their score to compensate for their smaller team.

Again, only 15 holes were open.

Winners were:
1st - Chris Jacques, Don Wraight, Ernie Williams and Malcolm Williams with a score of 47.2 points.

2nd - Andy Mitchell, Bob Brown, Peter Almond and Barry Dare with 47.8 points.
Only two prizes today!

09 January, 2018

Winter League Round 3 January 8th 2018

The weather today was cold and damp circa 2-4 C. Derek wants to know whatever Martin is on he wants some of it!!

Thank you to Steve Monk for the following results

Today we played Round 3 of this year's Winter League. 27 players competed over 15 holes, the 2nd, 16th and 17th being closed due to ground conditions.

Todays top 10, all winning points in the league, were as follows.

1st, earning 10 league points - Martin Povey with a stableford score of 33 points.

2nd, with 9 points - Frank Rodenhurst - 29*
3rd, with 8 points - Mike Drake - 29*.

4th, with 7 points - Dave Palferman - 29*.

5th, with 6 points - Don Wraight - 28*.

6th, with 5 points - Andy Mitchell - 28*.

7th, with 4 points - Dilly Jones - 27.

8th, with 3 points - Steve Monk - 26*
9th, with 2 points - John Kelty - 26*.

10th, with 1 point - Peter Lynch - 26*.

* - these scores were all separated using the normal countback method.

Thank you to John Kelty for supplying the 2's results as follows

Don Wraight and Bob Brown on the 5th and Dilly Jones on the 1st

04 January, 2018

Kitty competition Individual stableford January 4th 2018

Derek is indebted to Tom McGrady for the following reports

Kitty comp.

There were 18 players today and 5 prizes, £7, £5, £3, £2, and £1 as follows:

1st Martin Povey with 36 points. A stupendous score considering we only playing 15 holes (no 2nd, 16th & 17th)
2nd Harold Hughes with 32 points
3rd Dave Palferman with 31 points (on count back)
4th Andrew Mitchell with 31 points
5th Dilly Jones with 29 points.


The 2s pot had £3.60 from today plus a 10p carry over from Tuesday. However there was no winner so the £3.70 now carries forward to next Tuesday.

03 January, 2018

January 4th Medal 2018 postponed to Thursday 25th January

The medal for Thursday has been cancelled and will be replaced by a kitty comp.

The medal will now be played on Thursday January 25th.

02 January, 2018

Individual Stableford January 2nd 2018

Derek is indebted to Tom McGrady and Andrew Mitchell for the following reports:-
  Individual Stableford over 18 holes1st    Dave Palferman                    32 points2nd    Keith Hawthorn                    31 points (Countback)3rd   Malcolm Williams                 31 points (Countback)
4th   Tom McGrady                        28 points
17 people turned up to play today giving a 2s pot of £3.40.There were 3 winners, each collecting £1.10 with a 10p carry over to next week.They were:Andrew Mitchell on the 1stMalcolm Williams on the 1stDave Palferman on the 5th
One extra bit of news was that we found out that today is Alwyn Williams 83rd birthday so I arranged with Haley to present him with a dessert after he had finished his curry chicken & chips. You can see the scone with plenty of squirty cream on it as below....Happy Birthday Alwyn

01 January, 2018

Seniors Competitions January 2018



Tuesday Jan 2nd  

Thursday Jan 4th

Draw on Board – see Don for late entries.
Tuesday Jan 9th    

Individual Stableford 
Thursday Jan 11th   
(followed by a Committee Meeting)

Tuesday Jan 16th  

Thursday Jan 18th

Tuesday Jan 23rd    

Individual Stableford
Thursday Jan 25th   

Tuesday Jan 30th

i.e. 9 x 3 plus 9 x 2, but unlikely that all holes will be open
Thursday Feb 1st  

Entries in advance via usual notice on board.
Tuesday Feb 6th

Individual Stableford


Seniors - This report dovetails with Stuart's usual report on today's golf (Winter League Round 6 - Final Round). We have done well ...