15 August, 2017

Bonus ball plus Henlle Match August 15th 2017

Thanks to Steve Monk for the following report

Report for today's kitty competition.
Despite a full team of players visiting Henlle today for a match, a further 36 turned up to play at Clays in a Bonus Ball competition. 9 teams of 4 were drawn out, with results as follows.

1st - Maelor Davies, Harold Hughes, Ray Jones and Bill Kelleher with 165 points.

2nd - Ron Roberts, Tony Owens, John Kelty and Colin Evans with 133 points.

3rd - Andy Mitchell, Cliff Evans, Mike Kalka and Dilly Jones with 130 points.

A resounding victory for the winners!

Thanks Cliff for the 2's results....
31  played  in the two's with three managing a birdie two, MalcomWilliams on the 2nd hole and Maelor Davies and Tony Jackson both on the 5th hole   

And thanks To Nigel for the following on the match result...

Today's result as follows :
Henlle 4  Clays 4

Aggregate score over the two matches is therefore :
Clays 8 1/2  Henlle 7 1/2

and as a result, Clays have won the "Chirk Trophy"

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Seniors - This report dovetails with Stuart's usual report on today's golf (Winter League Round 6 - Final Round). We have done well ...