17 July, 2017

Rule from Fred- play the ball as it lies July 18th 2017

Sheriff on rules 17/7/2017; Rule 13 comes with the title “Play the ball as it Lies”
Questions and decisions cover many instances, for example touching the grass during your backswing. Penalty or no Penalty is the question raised.

Rule 13.4 states if your ball is in the hazard a player must not [a] test the condition of the hazard or similar hazard. [b] Touch the ground in the hazard or water in a water hazard with his hand or club. [c] Touch or move a loose impediment lying in or touching the hazard. There are of course specific instances within the rules that over-rule these statements, but I am talking in general play conditions.
Back to the question, if when in a hazard your club touches the ground (you have grounded your club). You are considered to have grounded your club when the grass supports the weight of your club. At this point you are penalised and not when sweeping through grass on your backswing.

Conversely should a large stone be embedded in the hazard and you make contact with this stone before or during your backswing you have grounded your club and penalised. Likewise if a mound from a burrowing animal is touched with your club, you have grounded and incur a penalty. Sheriff 

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