17 June, 2017

Clays Seniors Devon Trip June 2017

Once more a large number of Seniors went for their annual pilgrimage to Devon.The event was organised by Fred Court who kindly sent me the following results. Hopefully members will supply me with suitable photos.

Results from Fred's annual trip to Okehampton. Weather most favourable.
Daily results
Monday.           Chris Jones 41 Pts. Irwin Elkin 37 Pts. Nick Lee 34 Pts.
Tuesday.          Chris Jones 40 Pts. Dave Fergus 34 Pts. Stuart Leyland 33 Pts.
Wednesday     Tony Harcombe 36 Pts. Don Wraight 36 Pts. Ralph Hardy 35 Pts.
Thursday         Chris Jones 36 Pts. Irwin Elkin 35 Pts. Stuart Leyland 35 Pts.
Ramnee Trophy Accumulated Score Monday to Thursday Chris Jones 149 Pts. Stuart Leyland, Irwin Elkin
Forrest Trophy  Best nett on any Day Tony Harcombe 68/33/22 Nett  from Don Wraight 68/33/24 Nett

28 My My  [Highest number of 4 pointers or better] Dave Fergus 5.

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