31 March, 2017

Seniors events April 2017

APRIL 2017




Tuesday Apr 4th
Players not in match, BOOK A TEE

Thursday Apr 6th    
Draw on board – see Don for late entries
Tuesday Apr 11th
Also Away match vs Henlle

Thursday Apr 13th
(followed by a Committee Meeting)

Tuesday Apr 18th  
Players not in match, BOOK A TEE

Thursday Apr 20th
Individual Stableford Kitty Comp
Monday Apr 24th
Away Match vs Aldersey Green

Tuesday Apr 25th  

Thursday Apr 27th    

Friday   Apr 28th
Away Match vs Old Padeswood

Tuesday May 2nd   
YELLOW BALL (4, 5, 4, 5)

Thursday May 4th  
Entries in advance via sheet on board.


30 March, 2017

Kitty competition "Muliplier" March 30th 2017

The 2s is a ROLLOVER,*=D> applause
38 out of 39 participated in the 2s competition with no one achieving a Two, so £7.60 goes on our next Kitty Comp.
If two's is applicable to that kitty competition then it should be Tuesday 11th April  

Format for todays competition as follows:-

3 ball teams can compete against each other as well as 4 ball teams. Irrespective of numbers in a team, the top 2 stableford scores at each hole are multiplied together to produce the team score for the hole.

Results kindly provided by Steve Monk
Today's competition was a 'Multiplier', for which 39 players turned out.
Following a 'hiccup' with the tally draw, which left a single 3-ball team to play alongside 9 x 4-ball teams, thanks are due from the organiser to Diane Dare, Mike Hollings and Peter Almond for agreeing to play under such a handicap. Although not amongst the prizewinners, they very creditably were placed joint 4th in the competition.
Winners were:
1st - Don Wraight, Ralph Hardy, Barry Evans and Steve Monk, with 94 points.

2nd - Malcolm Williams, Andrew Mitchell, Mike Drake and Bob Brown, with 84 points.

3rd - Noel Jones, Colin Evans, Colin Brown and Dave Palferman, with 83 points.

28 March, 2017

Bonus Ball competition March 28th 2017

What a dull and cold day it was today. However it was brightened up by the sight of Derek in his Ricky Fowler hat!
Explanation of scoring for Bonus Ball (previously called Yellowish Ball).
This is played as a stableford competition, ideally in 4-ball teams.
At every hole all four stableford scores count towards the team total, and a 'bonus' score is added. The bonus score is derived as follows.
At all holes on the front 9 of the course (holes 1 to 9 inclusive), the lowest stableford points score from the 4 team members is added as the bonus score.
At all holes on the back 9 of the course (holes 10 to 18 inclusive) the highest stableford points score from the 4 team members is added as the bonus score.
Some examples:-
On Hole 1, say, the 4 players record scores of 6/2, 4/3, 6/1, 5/2. The bonus score is the lowest of these, i.e. 1. So the team total for the hole is 9.
On Hole 7, say, the 4 players record scores of 5/2, 6/2, 5/3, 7/0. The bonus score is the lowest of these, i.e. 0. So the team total for the hole is 7.
On hole 10, the 4 scores are 4/4, 6/2, 5/2, 6/1. The bonus score is the highest of these, i.e. 4. So the team total for the hole is 13.

On hole 17, the 4 scores are 3/3, 4/2, 6/0, 5/1. The bonus score is the highest of these, i.e. 3. So the team total for the hole is 9.

Before Nigel announced the results he announced winners of 2017 Winter League,....see photos below kindly sent by Don

Dave Palferman who came 3rd

The winner of the Winter League was Frank Rodenhurst...well done.

The 2nd place in the winter League went to Club Captain Nick Lee but we have no photo as yet.

1st Don Wraight, Harold Hughes, Chris Jacques & Brian Downes 155 pts

2nd Alwyn Williams, Bill Parrish, Maelor Davies & Roy Jordan 151 pts

3rd Colin Evans, Peter Bowen, Ian Ketland & Bill Kelleher   146 pts

Out of 48 playing in the Bonus Ball 45 entered the two's, though the greens had been top dressed  three, players achieved a two :-
Garry Campbell on hole 17, Ralph Hardy also on the 17th and the poor committee person Chris Jacques landing his 2 on the 12 hole.*#:-S whew!

Some photos and videos of the day below..

23 March, 2017

Clays seniors kitty competition 8x3 plus 9x2 March 23rd 2017 plus match away at Upton

Match result today ... some 20 Clays seniors competed
Upton 3 1/2   Clays 6 1/2

A further 24 members were at Clays to play an '8 x 3' plus '9 x 2' kitty competition (the 2nd hole still being closed).
Winners were Andy Mitchell, Tony Owens, Roy Jordan and Steve Monk with 92 points.

Runners-up were Harold Hughes, Stewart Poole, Ron Roberts and Roy Jones with 88 points.

In the kitty competition 22 out of a field of 24 played in the two's with only one winner again on hole 5 by Noel Jones, a photo of him getting the ball out of the hole with a big smile on his face saying that it's the first two for about 6 years well done Noel. See below.
  Also a photo of the daffs the seniors  planted between Hole 5 & 4  last year

22 March, 2017

Final positions of Seniors Winter League 2017

Rank Name Round 1 Round 2 Round 3 Round 4 Round 5 Round 6 Total Points
Jan 10th Jan 24th Feb 7th Feb 21st Mar 7th Mar 21st
1 Frank Rodenhurst 6 10 10 2 10 38
2 Nick Lee 10   2 7 9 28
3 Dave Palferman 7 5 9 5 26
3 Ernie Williams 9 9 8 26
5 Nigel Harris 8   7 6 21
6 Don Wraight 2 3 5 8 1 19
7 Chris Jacques 3   8 6 17
8 Steve Monk   2 9 4 15
9 Andy Mitchell   8 5 13
10 Harold Hughes 3 8 11
11 Roy Jordan 10 10
11 Tony Owens 10 10
13 Cliff Evans 9 9
13 Dilly Jones 4   5 9
15 Malcolm Williams 5   3 8
15 Ralph Hardy   7 1 8
17 Gary Campbell 7 7
17 John Davis 7 7
19 Alan Roberts 6 6
19 Graham Stokes   6 6
19 Stewart Poole 6 6
22 Reg Peacock   1 1 3 5
23 Nigel Davies   4 4
23 Peter Fraser 4 4
23 Phil Hughes 4 4
23 Steve Beech 4 4
27 Reg Taylor 3 3
28 Brian Downes 2 2
28 Maelor Davies 2 2
30 Bill Kelleher 1   1
30 Richard Key 1 1

21 March, 2017

Seniors Winter League Round 6 March 21st 2017

Cliff Evans sent the following report.........Out of a field of 43  today, 38 entered in the two's competition with only one achieving a two,  on the 5th hole Mr.Frank Rodenhurst

Thanks to Steve Monk for the following report.....

The final round of the Seniors Winter League was held today in sunny but windy and quite cold conditions. The game was disrupted by the seasonal necessity of hollow-tining of the greens, but green-keeping staff did their best to keep as many greens playable as they could. The 2nd hole was closed throughout, but the 17th and 18th holes were open for early players (starting from the 14th or 16th tees) but not for later players (starting from the 1st tee). Additionally, the 16th hole was initially fully available but later on, only in a shortened version with a temporary green.
Committee members present collectively decided that it would be unfair to award kitty competition prizes on the day, because different groups of players played a different set of holes or different hole lengths. All members present agreed to donate the collected kitty to Section Funds. However, by taking scores from Holes 1 to 16 only (excluding the closed Hole 2) and taking into account the fact that the only 4 players present who had enough league points to still win the overall title all played together, and thus all played an identical course, it was concluded that it was appropriate and fair to allow the results achieved to stand for the purpose of allocating league points only.

43 players competed. Results were:

1st - 10 points - Frank Rodenhurst with a score of 30.

2nd - 9 points - Nick Lee with 29.

3rd - 8 points - Harold Hughes with 27.

4th - 7 points - John Davis with 26.

5th - 6 points - Stewart Poole with 25.

6th - 5 points - Dave Palferman with 25.

7th - 4 points - Steve Monk with 25.

8th - 3 points - Malcolm Williams with 25.

9th - 2 points - Brian Downes with 24.

10th - 1 point - Richard Key with 23.

The final positions in the Winter League will be posted soon 

16 March, 2017

St Patricks Day incorporating the Ray Mortell Trophy March 16th 2017

2nd place team each receiving a bottle of wine

The winning team receiving a bottle of Irish Whiskey each

Harold Hughes receiving the Ray Mortell Trophy
Mike Hollings receiving his money prize of £48 being the only player with a 2

 Lovely day with periods of sunshine and cold winds at times! Nigel Davies, Seniors Captain chaired the presentation proceedings. Thanks given to Don Wraight for organisation of the day Catrina for the food etc.

Team results:-

1. Harold Hughes, Tom McGrady, Ron Roberts and Phil Morris  135 points

2. Rod Evans, Nigel Harris, Barry Dare and Don Wraight 129 points

3. Peter Lynch, Malcolm Williams, Nick Lee and Reg Taylor 125 points

There was only one person with a 2 today namely Mike Hollings on the 5th using an 8 iron plus putt.

The winner of the Ray Mortell Trophy was Harold Hughes with 40 points. There were also some excellent scores by Tony Harcombe/39 points, Rod Evans/36 points, Dill Jones/37 points and Bill Kelleher with 37 points.

Some photos and videos below:-

View down 14th fairway

Roy Jordan and Chris Jacques watching Bill Kelleher about to tee off on the 7th

The 14th green

Chris Jacques teeing off on the 15th

Lunch was Irish Stew and red cabbage

AND FINALLY A VIDEO which shows Bill Kelleher driving off down the 7th

Some photos of the day from Cliff Evans below

14 March, 2017

Texas Scramble at home and away Match vs Holywell March 14th 2017

A beautiful sunny day at Clays when 28 competed in a Texas Scramble, each player having to take 3 drives

1. Cliff Evans , Phil Hughes, Keith Jones and John Davies  54.1

2. Andrew Mitchell, Tony Owens, Ron Roberts and Barry Evans 54.8

3. Noel Jones. Derek Lyon, Bill Kelleher and Mike Griffiths  58.2

The result of the match as follows Holywell 6 1/2 Clays 5 1/2

09 March, 2017

Individual Stableford March 9th 2017 for those not in the match vs Mold at home

The home match result was   Clays 4 Mold 6

Result for Thursday 9th March 2017 Individual stableford:-
1st     Ron Roberts         35 points
2nd    Ernie Williams     33 points
3rd     Mike Drake          30 points (Countback)

4th     Roy Jordan           30  points

You may all enjoy this as it may bring back many memories.....have sound on

Lost in the fifties.....awesome video!!!! Needs sound!

07 March, 2017

Seniors Winter medal Stableford March 2nd 2017

Competition Result

Senior Winter Medal (Stableford)

Played on Thursday, 2 March 2017 at Clays.

Competition Scratch Score:
Non-Qualifying (Men - Yellow Tees)
Non-Qualifying (Ladies - Red Tees)
Division 1
1McGrady, Tom33 pts (17)Division 1 - Winner
7Davis, John S32 pts (18)Division 1 - Runner-Up
8Peacock, Reg31 pts (14)
9Kalka, Michael31 pts (18)
15Mitchell, Andrew28 pts (15)
16Fraser, Peter28 pts (17)
19Palferman, David27 pts (11)
21Owens, Tony Martin27 pts (17)
22Roberts, Ronald H27 pts (12)

Division 2
2Davies, Clifford33 pts (23)Division 2 - Winner
3Hughes, Harold Bryn33 pts (21)Division 2 - Runner-Up
4Lynch, Peter32 pts (21) 
5Williams, Malcolm32 pts (19) 
6Jordan, Roy32 pts (21) 
10Davies, Maelor31 pts (20) 
11Morris, John P31 pts (22) 
12Jones, Noel30 pts (22) 
13Ketland, Albert Ian29 pts (22) 

Seniors Winter League round 5 March 7th 2017

A lovely warm and sunny day on which 43 Seniors competed.
In the 2's competition there were 3 winners namely Chris Jacques on the 5th, Bob Brown on the 12th and Phil Hughes on the 17th.

The full results as follows:-43 players competed over 17 holes today in the 5th round of the Seniors Winter League, with the point scorers being as follows:

1st, scoring 10 league points - Tony Owens, with 36 stableford points.

2nd, scoring 9 league points - Cliff Evans, with 35.

3rd, scoring 8 league points - Ernie Williams, with 34 (back 9 of 21).

4th, scoring 7 league points - Nick Lee, also with 34 (back 9 of 20)).

5th, scoring 6 league points - Chris Jacques, another with 34 (back 9 of 16).

6th, scoring 5 league points - Andy Mitchell, with 33 (back 9 of 19).

7th, scoring 4 league points - Phil Hughes, also with33 (back 9 of 17, back 6 of 12).

8th, scoring 3 league points - Reg Taylor, also with 33 (back 9 of 17, back 6 of 10)
9th, scoring 2 league points - Frank Rodenhurst, with 32 (back 9 of 18).

10th, scoring 1 league point - Don Wraight, also with 32 (back 9 of 16).

06 March, 2017

Seniors events for March 2017

MARCH 2017




Thursday Mar 2nd   
Tuesday Mar 7th
Individual Stableford
Thursday Mar 9th
MATCH vs MOLD (Home)
Players not in match, book a tee

Tuesday Mar 14th  
MATCH vs HOLYWELL ( Away at Holywell
Normal kitty comp at Clays with 9am start times as usual
Thursday Mar 16th
Teams of 4; the total of all 4 scores to count. With Lunch / Prizes etc.
Also incorporating The Ray Mortell Trophy.
Entry in advance
Tuesday Mar 21st
Individual Stableford
Thursday Mar 23rd   
‘9x3 plus 9x2’ for Home players

Tuesday Mar 28th  
(Carried over from February, when Doris intervened!)
Thursday Mar 30th

Tuesday Apr 4th
Match at Clays vs Hawarden
Players not in match to book their own tee times

Thursday Apr 6th
Entries in advance via sheet on board

 the match against Holywell GC on March 14th is now confirmed as being held at Holywell. The return fixture on September 5th will now be held at Clays.
This means all of our usual tee times on Tuesday March 14th will now be available for a kitty comp for everyone not going to Holywell - there is therefore no need to book tees prior to the normal 9.00 a.m. start.


Seniors - This report dovetails with Stuart's usual report on today's golf (Winter League Round 6 - Final Round). We have done well ...