01 March, 2016

St Davids Day March 1st 2016

This very popular annual event was attended by a large number of Competitors. The weather was wet to start with but soon improved. Players were welcomed at registration with coffee and Welsh cakes. Don Wraight and Fred Court managed to registration table. Players played mainly in teams of 4 and teed off from 1st, 16th and 14th. After to competition players all sat down to "yummy" soup and sandwiches. Seniors Captain Nigel Davies welcomed everyone and entertained the lads with some funny stories before thanking those involved in the day namely Don Wraight, Steve Monk and our Sponsor Roy Jones.
Results as follows:

First was Stewart Poole with 39 points. Winner of the Roy Jones Trophy and £20

Roy Jones on the left presenting Stewart with the Trophy accompanied by Nigel Davies on the right

2. Steve Monk 38 pts and £12....on countback.21 on back 9
3.Mike Goring 38 pts on count back
4. Mike Drake  38 pts
5. Malcolm Williams 37 pts and £7....22 on back 96.
6. Maelor Davies 37 pts and £6....20 on back 9

A ball sweep resulted in 6 winners.
Mike Goring hole 2
Steve Monk hole 12
Alwyn Williams hole 2
Don Wraight hole 5
Fred Court hole 2
Stewart Poole hole 5

Various photos and videos below.

Teeing off the 16th about 9.30 am. Note the bad weather!!

Dave Jones taking a practice swing by 16th tee 

Soon the weather improved as the sun came out!!

View towards 11th green from path on the 5th

Walking up to the 5th tee

                                  Video below shows Cliff Evans teeing of the 16th

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Seniors - This report dovetails with Stuart's usual report on today's golf (Winter League Round 6 - Final Round). We have done well ...