22 May, 2015

Pauline Peacock's Charity Climb of Tryfan, North Wales May 21st 2015

Clays Lady Captain Climbs Tryfan for Cancer Research UK

Tryfan - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Pauline Peacock, accompanied by husband Reg, (after he'd played a golf competition) and both novices to this wonderful mountain of ours, set off enthusiastically in lovely sunshine.  Unfortunately we were too eager and never reached the Heather terrace but instead climbed upwards on the East side rather quickly! After panics, leg shakes, pulling, shoving up horrible gullies, we arrived at the top - of the False Tryfan!
Reg took a photo as I didn't know if we could reach the summit, it looked like we needed ropes!  But around the corner on the West side was a safer path and no problems after that.  We picnicked in the sunshine and had wonderful views, We'd seen 3 lots of Harrier jets passing below us but then a large slow plane came passed we weren't sure if it was a Hurricane.  What an experience but not to be repeated by us!  It took us less than 4 hours, time to play a round of golf, Think we will stick to that in the future! If you would like to donate to this worthy cause please visit


Thank you.

Photos of the day below.

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Seniors - This report dovetails with Stuart's usual report on today's golf (Winter League Round 6 - Final Round). We have done well ...