17 March, 2015

St. Patricks Day March 17th 2015

Despite a grey morning quite a large number of Seniors turned out for this annual event. Format was a tally draw off the yellow tees. Teams of 4 with best 3 scores to count towards team prizes and best overall individual score being allocated for the Ray Mortell Trophy.

Team prizes:-

1st. Tony Jackson, Graham Davidson Clark, Reg Peacock and Dilly Jones  122 points

2nd. Nigel Davies, Noel Jones, Don Wraight and Harold Hughes  119 points on count back back 9

3rd. Andrew Mitchell, Graham Stokes, Tom McGrady and Neil Sanger  119 points

The Ray Mortell Trophy was won by the very much in form Andrew Mitchell with 39 points on count back, back 6 from Irwin Elkin again on 39 points with Alwyn Williams 3rd with 38 points.

There was only one player with a 2 namely Graham Davidson Clarke.

Photos of the day below. Colin Brown, Seniors Captain asked Maelor Davies (last years winner of the Ray Mortell Trophy)  to present the various prizes

Murky conditions down the 14th fairway

Brian Downes taking his 3rd shot down the 14th

A very much altered pond on the 16th. Green staff had recently been clearing trees and vegetation

Nice to see a pair of Canada Geese have returned as they are seen strutting on the 17tth fairway

The various prizes awaiting presentation. Thanks to Cliff Lloyd for obtaining these

The "in form" Andrew Mitchell receiving the Ray Mortell Trophy from Maelor Davies 

3rd Place winners of the team event

2nd place winners of team event

Winners of the team event

Graham Davidson Clarke receiving his prize for the only 2 of the competition

Below Steve Monk can be seen playing a left handed shot on the 16th. He could not play the shot right handed for fear of falling in the pond!!!

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Seniors - This report dovetails with Stuart's usual report on today's golf (Winter League Round 6 - Final Round). We have done well ...