16 October, 2013

Wash out at Oswestry Golf Club Seniors Open Oct 16th 2013

The weather forcast for today was bad but even so a large number of Clays Seniors went to compete. Although initially very cloudy it appeared reasonable! Derek Lyon, Ernie Williams, TonyJackson and Peter Lynch teed off first at 9.20am and managed a couple of holes in the dry before it started to pour down! Even in the rain Tony and Ernie and Peter managed to hit some great shots with Tony even having a birdie on the par 5 third hole and acquiring 4 points. Derek on his new handicap of 20 from 24 struggled to grip his clubs but managed to come in on 2 holes only! As greens became more and more water logged we all felt the competition should be called off. To give us some added strength Tony and Peter shared the lovely sandwiches before the welcome sight of a greenstaff member on his tractor came to tell us the course had been closed.....so we all walked back to Club house after which on returning home a  hot bath welcomed Derek!!.

Below the first picture shows the state of the last green we played on

Then just before we teed off the next tee the lovely sandwiches came out....corned beef and beetroot from Ernie followed by sausage sandwiches from Peter. Tony did tee off just prior to course being closed.

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Seniors - This report dovetails with Stuart's usual report on today's golf (Winter League Round 6 - Final Round). We have done well ...