31 October, 2013

Seniors competitions for November 2013

Tuesday Nov 5th  YELLOW BALL

Thursday Nov 7th  MEDAL


Thursday Nov 14th  9X2   9X3

Tuesday Nov 19th  TEXAS SCRAMBLE



Thursday Nov 28th 6X2   6X3  6X4

Seniors pairs stableford both scores count October 31st 2013

October 31st Seniors pairs stableford both scores.

 1 st   Nigel  Davies & Cliff  Davies      68  pts

 2 nd  Maelor   Davies &  Stewart  Poole.   64 pts

 3 rd   Dave  Jones  &  Tony  Griffiths    62  pts.


30 October, 2013

Clays Presentation evening with particular to Seniors

Above link shows results and presentations on Presentation night including several Seniors along with Captain Bob Brown presenting many of the Trophies. Colin Brown, Seniors Captain presented those Trophies relevant  to Senior members.
One person on Seniors was not able to attend i.e. Elwyn Jones who shared Gemini Trophy with Derek Lyon. A photo of Elywn holding the trophy is below is shown some days later before Derek returned in back to Trophy cabinet.

29 October, 2013

Seniors Texas Scramble October 29th 2013

Seniors Texas Scramble October 29th 2013


 1 st Bill  Hughes, Ron Roberts, Steve Monk & Roy Jones  59.7 pts.


 2 nd Dennis Jones, Ray Jones, Tony Griffiths & Bill Kelleher 60.2 pts.

24 October, 2013

Seniors Kitty Competition Oct 24th 2013

Seniors Kitty Competition October 24th 2013

Format was teams of 4 with best 2 scores first 6 holes, best 3 scores next 6 holes followed by all 4 scores on last 6 holes


1 st  Nigel Davies, Keith Jones, Reg Taylor & John Kelty. 109 pts


2 nd Lou Bush, Dennis Jones, Bill Kelleher &Tony Jackson  104 pts


3 rd  Mike Kalka, Robert Jarvis, Richard Key &Ron Roberts. 102 pts.




22 October, 2013

Texas Scramble October 22nd 2013

Seniors Texas Scramble October 22nd 2013

1.    Stewart Poole. Irwin Elkin and Nigel Davies  56.8

2.    Reg Peacock, Ron Roberts and Phil Hughes 57.2
3. Ernie Williams, Graham Stokes , Maelor Davies and Harold Hughes 58.1

17 October, 2013

Seniors betterball pairs October 17th 2013

October 17th Seniors betterball pairs


1.  Colin Brown & Andy Mitchell with  45 pts.

2.  Tony Harcombe & Neil Sanger  44 pts.

3.  Tony  Griffiths &  Phil  Hughes  43 pts.

16 October, 2013

Wash out at Oswestry Golf Club Seniors Open Oct 16th 2013

The weather forcast for today was bad but even so a large number of Clays Seniors went to compete. Although initially very cloudy it appeared reasonable! Derek Lyon, Ernie Williams, TonyJackson and Peter Lynch teed off first at 9.20am and managed a couple of holes in the dry before it started to pour down! Even in the rain Tony and Ernie and Peter managed to hit some great shots with Tony even having a birdie on the par 5 third hole and acquiring 4 points. Derek on his new handicap of 20 from 24 struggled to grip his clubs but managed to come in on 2 holes only! As greens became more and more water logged we all felt the competition should be called off. To give us some added strength Tony and Peter shared the lovely sandwiches before the welcome sight of a greenstaff member on his tractor came to tell us the course had been closed.....so we all walked back to Club house after which on returning home a  hot bath welcomed Derek!!.

Below the first picture shows the state of the last green we played on

Then just before we teed off the next tee the lovely sandwiches came out....corned beef and beetroot from Ernie followed by sausage sandwiches from Peter. Tony did tee off just prior to course being closed.

15 October, 2013

Seniors Stableford Qualifier October 15th 2013

53 Seniors competed. Derek took some stick prior because of his recent scores!!!

  1. Paul White 42 points
     2. Frank Carroll  39 points

     3. Don Wraight 36 points on back 6

     4. Derek Lyon 36 points

10 October, 2013

Yellow Ball Competition October 10th 2013

Thursday October 10th Seniors Yellow Ball played as teams of 3 and teams of 4

Teams of 3 results:

1.    Bob Jarvis, Graham Stokes and Neil Sanger 137pts

2.    Ray Jones, Mike Turner and Tony Griffiths  124pts

Teams of 4 results:

1.    Derek Lyon, Barry Evans, Noel Jones and Ernie Williams  164pts. Derek had a net 61

2.    Tony Owens, Bill Kelleher, Reg Taylor and Andy Mitchell 157pts

09 October, 2013

Seniors Texas Scramble October 8th 2013

Tuesday October 8th Seniors Texas Scramble. Due to on-going work on the course only 15 holes were played

1.    Irwin Elkin(President) ,       Ron Roberts, Keith Jones &Nigel Davies 44.2

2.    Alwyn Williams, Gerry Jones, Peter Fraser & Tony Jackson 45.6


04 October, 2013

Seniors Medal October 3rd 2013

Senior Medal

Played on Thursday, 3 October 2013 at Clays.
Competition Scratch Score = 70 (Men)

Division 1
Division 1 Winner &
Lowest Gross Score
Division 1 Runner-Up
Division 1 Third


Division 2
Division 2 Winner
Division 2 Runner-Up
Division 2 Third


01 October, 2013

Seniors Stableford Competition October 1st

This competition was initially to be teams of 4 with best 2 scores front 9 and best 3 scores back nine. But as work being done on greens 17 and 18 it was decided to only score on back 7.

  1. Tony Jackson, Cliff Davies, Graham Stokes and Bill Hughes  102 pts

     2. Derek Lyon, Ray Jones, Ron Roberts and John Kelty 93pts

     3. Stewart Poole, Reg Taylor, Ernie Williams and Joe White  83pts


Seniors - This report dovetails with Stuart's usual report on today's golf (Winter League Round 6 - Final Round). We have done well ...