05 September, 2013

Kitty Competition and Arscot Seniors Open Sept 5th 2013

Golf result for Thursday 5th September 2013:-                  Best 2 scores on front 9 & best 3 scores on back 9


1st    Bill Hughes, Dilly Jones and Steve Monk                 103 points


2nd   Dennis Jones, Nigel Davies and Mike Griffiths         98 points


3rd   Graham Stokes, Mike Goring and John Kelty              95 points
On the same day a large number of Clays Seniors played at Arscot in a Seniors Open event - teams of 3 with best 2 scores to count - 3/4 handicap with maximum handicap of 24. Some photos of the day below.Weather was far better than another Open event there in the Spring when the wind blew and rain poured down resulting in many leaving the course! Not so today as the sun shone all day.
Below a video of Colin Brown, Seniors Captain playing or attempting to play out of a greenside bunker on the par 4 stroke index 1 hole. His ball was up against the bunker side so he decided to play out sideways or at least attempted to do so! His partners Derek Lyon and Stuart Miles played more carefully and avoided the bunkers and managed to get gross 5's!!
Arscott Seniors September Open -  Photographs and results
Thank you for playing in our Arscott Seniors September Open. We attach a photograph of your team as a memento and hope you enjoyed playing with us on the day.
The Results on the day were as follows:
1st with  80 Points:
B Kelleher, K Jones & D Wraight from Clays Golf Club near Wrexham. Clays have been very supportive of our Seniors Opens recently & again sent out a large contingency of their players.


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Seniors - This report dovetails with Stuart's usual report on today's golf (Winter League Round 6 - Final Round). We have done well ...