30 June, 2013

Macmillan Cancer Support - longest day golf challenge with Bob Brown Clays Captain

Macmillan Cancer Support - longest day golf challenge

The competitors teed off at Wrexham GC at 5.30am for the first 18 holes, followed by two rounds at Clays, commencing 10.00am, and 2.00pm, concluding at Wrexham at 5.30pm, and completing the 72 holes at 9.10pm.

The four who completed this marathon, were Bob Brown (Clays Captain), Sean Brimlow ( Clays member ), Martyn Maddocks (Wrexham member), and Leighton Harper ( Moss Valley member). They were joined by the Wrexham Captain, Tony Hughes, for the two rounds played at Clays.

Courtesy was extended to all Competitors by both clubs, and refreshments were laid on at Clays.

Over £1200  has been raised as of June 27th for this worthy cause, with further donations still coming in.


Reading from left to right, you have Leighton Harper, Bob Brown, Sean Brimlow, Tony Hughes (Wrexham Captain), and Martyn Maddocks.

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