28 February, 2013

Nearly St Davids Day February 28th 2013

Superb weather for this very prestigious competition. Past Seniors Captain Roy Jones sponsored the event with a trophy and additional monetary prizes. The present Seniors Captain Colin Brown announced the various winners who were then presented with their prizes by Roy Jones
Some 49 Seniors competed
  1. Ron Roberts 40pts. Ron could have scored more if he had not had a no score on the 10th!
  2. John Kelty - last years winner with 39pts
  3. Noel Jones 39pts
  4. Ernie Williams 38pts
3 Seniors had 2's which were all obtained on the 17th.
John Kelty, Terry Jackson and Tony Owens

Photos below of the day. First one shows our sponsor scrutinsing the score cards along with Colin

Below is what all the 49 entrants came along to try and win
Below Ernie Williams receiving 4th place prize
Below Noel Jones in 3rd place
Last years winner John Kelty receiving his runners up prize
And finally Ron Roberts the worthy winner

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