24 June, 2012

Devon & Portugal photos from Stewart

                 The photos below were sent to me from Stewart. Enjoy the memories

                              And finally to prove some golf was played some winners below!

      As usual a fairly large number of members enjoyed this annual event which was organised
      this year by Fred Court who has already started to ask for members for 2013!

     The results for 2012 were as follows:-

       Day 1: Stewart Poole 37pts, Colin Bain 35pts and Spencer Lloyd 35pts

       Day 2: Tony Jackson 36pts, Don Wraight 34pts and Bob Brown 34pts

       Day 3: Tony Harcombe 39pts, Tony Jackson 38pts and Bill Kelleher 35pts

       Day 4: Richard Key 36pts, Nigel Moore 36pts and Colin Bain 35pts

       Day 5: This day was void due to poor weather and money donated to Nightingale House

      Forrest Trophy for the best nett score on nay day went to Stewart Poole with 67. Richard Key 68
      and last years winner Nigel Moore  with 68

     Ramnee Trophy for best stableford score accumulated  over the 4 days went to Tony Jackson
     with 138, 2nd was Tony Harcombe with 133 and 3rd Bill Kelleher with 131

    The ultimate prize .....the "28 my dear" award went to Irwin Elkin with 15pts. This is based on best
     stableford score on any 4 holes over  4 days

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Seniors - This report dovetails with Stuart's usual report on today's golf (Winter League Round 6 - Final Round). We have done well ...