31 January, 2024



Captain's Newsletter: January 2024 Welcome to the first newsletter of 2024.I would like to wish everyone the very best for the coming year. Due to the ongoing poor weather we have only managed to get a few winter league matches played . Five of the eighteen holes remain closed. Mark and his team have finally been able to get the machines onto the course and with extra care managed to get some cutting done unfortunately the ground is still too wet to have all 18 holes open. Mark is just as eager as we all are in getting all 18 holes open as soon as possible. Good news, the halfway house is now complete which will be a great addition to the members especially on major competition days. Big thanks to all who helped in getting this project complete. Special thanks to Trig for all his efforts, we are not quite sure if he has moved in there or not, just waiting to see a rocking chair appear out front. Competitions. Last month I attended the Denbighshire AGM where once again Clays picked up the D.G.U. division one winner’s trophy presented to team captain Patrick McHugh. Board competition sign up forms are now available in the reception area please sign up to as many as possible as it is a great way to have a chance in getting your name up on the honours board. Keep a check on the notice board for upcoming DGU competitions also you will find fixtures for year 2024 on IG. Ladies news letter At the end of 2023 our Ladies Xmas party had a gathering of 23 ladies and despite the cancellation of the morning golf competition, it was a successful afternoon, with a delicious Christmas lunch with music, a quiz by Christine Evans and an indoor golf chipping competition organised by Jane Evans. As out attention now turns to the forthcoming golfing season, January started much like December with heavy rain and freezing temperatures necessitating closure of the course. A number of us however have met at the Driving Range for some early season practise and have been out on the course to play a mini Stableford competition and some social golf. There is a planned calendar of competitions for the Section in place until the end of March and weather permitting, we shall hopefully soon be able to play some of the pre planned golf formats. Work commenced in the latter part of last year on raising a number of the Ladies Tees. I am hoping that in discussion with Mark and the Greenkeeping team, work will progress during the coming year on the remaining tees which need to be raised. The calendar of Ladies events and competitions for 2024 has been completed, dates are in the Club diary and the formats set up on IG. Entry forms for the Honours Board Knockout Competitions are now available. Following the success of the Ladies Open last year, an Open has once again been scheduled together with a number of additional Club exchange days. In late March a number of ladies are looking forward to an overnight trip to play The Nefyn and Abersoch courses organised by Lady Vice Captain Shan Stapley, which I am sure will be a great start to the forthcoming golfing season. The Captains’ Supper in March is organised and Mick and I hope that you can join us for this event. Tickets are now on sale from Hayley. As the weather improves I look forward to welcoming everyone back to The Club. Sue Falcus (Lady Captain) And finally from me… Some sad news, Billy Spilsted passed away suddenly at his home earlier this month he was a popular member of the senior section at clays and our thoughts are with his family and friends at this sad time R.I.P. Billy. Tickets are now available from Hayley @ £30 p.p. for the Captains last supper on 22 of March. live band, good food, and hopefully plenty of dancing should be a great night get your tickets asap. As the course slowly re opens for the new season please remember the 3 R’s: Rake, Repair and Replace and most of all enjoy your golf! Best wishes Michael McHugh (Club Captain)

30 January, 2024


Well another indoor putting session. 10 seniors turned up, better than shopping or day time TV. Usual 3 rounds of the course, longest putt and obstacle putting. Usual one prize per person, so unfortunately Mick Carnell missed out on the longest putt with his hole in one. Results - Putting: First: Tony Harcombe Second: Stuart Miles (after play-off) Third: Mick Carnell Longest Putt: Ken Tieszen Obstacle Putting: Stuart Leyland

27 January, 2024


Round 2 of our Winter League was played out today and it has to be said that, although not perfect, there is a definitive drying out of the course overall. There were still only 13 holes open but it remained dry and the troops were all in in plenty of time. 29 tallies went into the draw for Round 2 and we played in threeballs. As per usual, there were 10 league points up for grabs and 6 kitty comp prizes added. The winners were as follows: Winter League - Round 2: First: Wyn Jenkins 30 points (10WL pts) Prize Second: Alan Barnsdale 28 points (c/b) (9WL pts) Prize Third: Ernie Williams 28 points (c/b) (8WL pts) Prize Fourth: Peter Taylor 27 points (c/b) (7WL pts) Prize Fifth: Reg Peacock 27 points (c/b) (6WL pts) Prize Sixth: Nigel Davies 26 points (5WL pts) Prize Seventh: Andy Mitchell 25 points (c/b) (4WL pts) Eighth: Bob Jarvis 25 points (c/b) (3WL pts) Ninth: Mick Carnell 24 points (c/b) (2WL pts) Tenth: Mick McHugh 24 points (c/b) (1WL pt)

26 January, 2024


We are experiencing one of our wettest periods on record for Clays Golf Club and Mark and his team are desperate to get going with a back log of cutting and Summer preparation. Just to compound matters, we have also found ourselves in a series of Winter storms, which have left all sorts of debris across the course. I mentioned this after golf today and there were at least a dozen seniors who thought it might be worthwhile volunteering a couple of hours to clear sticks and branches across the course. This is the proposal: I am speaking with Mark on Tuesday next week and he will identify the areas that need the most clearing. On Wednesday morning (meeting at 9.45), our volunteers will gather for instructions and starting at 10.00am we will disperse and clear as much as we can from the said areas, by gathering the debris into piles for the groundstaff to take away. A tractor and trailer will be at our disposal, so it is not a question of walking up fairways with litter pickers. Mark has some soil rakes and leaf rakes for the use of but if you have your own leaf rakes it would help all round. We clear into piles and the groundstaff take it away. With enough of us, I am guessing that we should be able to complete the job in about two hours max. Whatever we do clear, will be very much appreciated and there will be free coffee provided afterwards. There are no guns being pointed at heads but if you feel fit and up to acouple of hours of course clearing then feel free to come along and I'm sure the entire membership will appreciate our input. More info on Tuesday next week. I am aware that Wednesday is Ladies Day for golf and I have cleared the work with both Mark and management. Clearly the ladies that are playing will have priority and we will work on areas without affecting them.

23 January, 2024


Report First: There were only 9 takers for putting this morning. There are only so many putting sessions a golfer can take before it becomes somewhat repetitive, unless one is avoiding shopping or decorating (or both). Whatever the reason this morning, we endeavoured with our usual circuit, which was admirably won by Richard Collier, closely followed by Mick Carnell - both took prizes. The long putt was bagged by Tom McGrady, who won his stake back and there was a bonus prize for Peter Taylor, who was inadvertently missed out of the qualifier. The final prize, was for yet another group invention, which we dubbed dog-leg putting. A track was laid, all had practice putts and the final play-off was won by Stuart Miles. The timely breakfast baps appeared along with another 5 coffee - seeking seniors, adding to the group for calendar discussion. Another pleasant morning. Admin: Following this morning's putting session, thoughts are heading towards our February calendar. The New Year rain is adding to the late Autumn deluge and we appear to be stuck in a monsoon season. I am neither hopeful for Thursday, nor either of the two days next week, given the forecast. With a lot of competitions to fit in and current course condition, there still has to be some dates in place. Looking forward the February dates, the group this morning discussed bringing at least one Winter League round forward and following up the date for the February medal with Don, this is the first part of the plan: Thursday 25th - Winter League - Round 2 (If course closed - move to Tuesday 30th) Tuesday 30th - Pairs Betterball (Winter League - Round 2) Thursday 1st Feb - Winter League - Round 2/3 (February Stableford Medal re-scheduled for Thursday 15th Feb.) The draw has not been made for the Feb. medal yet, so if you are already signed up, you remain on the list. Obviously, you will need to withdraw if the 15th Feb. is not suitable and similarly - sign up if you wish to be added! The full February calendar will follow after Thursday's report. "Flexibility" is the name of the game

16 January, 2024


When I woke up this morning, there was a blanket of white across Farndon and it was very surprising but pleasant to find the course open. On arrival, the frost on the greens was taken into consideration and once again, there was a proposal to postpone the Winter League in favour of another format, that might keep everybody moving in the zero temperature.This was subsequently voted upon and a Scramble was preferred almost unanimously. Without further ado, 27 names went into the bag and 9 x threeballs came out to do battle over 13 holes. It has subsequently been declared that Thursday this week will be dedicated to Winter League Round 1, whatever the weather, so come prepared. In light of the remaining weeks/months, we may reduce the number of rounds for the Winter League. Today the team scores were reasonably good and all 9 cards were within 7 shots of each other, after handicap reductions. There were three team prizes for the Texas Scramble as follows: Texas Scramble Result: First: Wyn Jenkins, Richard Collier and Ken Tieszen 46.5 Second: Mike Healey, Alan Pocklington and Neil Gledhill 47.9 Third: Bob Jarvis, Peter Lord and Tom McGrady 49.2

09 January, 2024


We're back, well some of us are! An early morning committee meeting kept nine committee members away from the course but all will be there on Thursday. The scheduled Winter League was once again delayed and a Waltz played instead. 28 members went into the tally bag and 7 x fourballs came out for their 1, 2, 3 challenge. There are still a number of holes closed and damp patches around certain areas made progression hard work in places but the troops persevered and some good scores were eventually carded. It was great to get out, see smiling faces around the course and get back to the banter and camaraderie afterwards in the clubhouse. I believe there were no three-putts at all throughout. 😋 There were two team prizes awarded today. Waltz Result. First: Barry Evans, Ernie Williams, Mike Drake and Bob Jarvis - 59 points Second: Andy Mitchell, Graham Wright, Peter Lord and Keith Hawthorn - 58 points STOP PRESS - One lost ball found with initials TJM. Could the owner see MH on Thursday to reclaim?!

04 January, 2024


Bob Brown - 16 members took part in today's Marathon session on the outside putting area. 3 rounds of individual. Nearest the pin and finally a pairs better ball which saw 3 pairs tied and numerous play-offs. Great fun all round, topped off, as usual by Hayley's refreshments. Richard Collier - Many thanks to Bob Brown for co-ordinating the events. Winners - Singles comp (2 rounds of 9, plus then 1 round one-handed). 1st Paul Wallace-Jones; 2nd Richard Collier; 3rd Stan Roberts Nearest the pin 1 (Long Distance Putt). 1st Chris Blazdell; 2nd Stan Roberts Pairs better ball (2 rounds). Equal 1st (as couldn't be separated after 2 x extra 4 holes) Stan Roberts / Fred Court and Alan Bottomley / Richard Collier Nearest the pin 2 (long Distance Putt). 1st Alan Bottomley.

02 January, 2024


The hard men of putting were on show today. Twelve regulars and a late entry for the long putt competition. We'll start with the long putt - all had two practice shots at a (bin-lid) putting ring and providing you landed one in the circle you became eligible for a long shot final at one of the holes. Bob Brown started by showing off with one of his trick shots, running his ball right around the inside of the ring before the ball ended up in the centre. He then moved into the final and pipped Eric Thwaites with nearest the pin by about a fingernail. Andy Mitchell suggested Pairs Betterball putting from the outset, which was yet another addition to our putting repertoire. Five circuits were played in total (with direction changes - to throw the brain and take into account the wind) and the overall winners were Alan Pocklington and Richard Collier followed by Fred Court and Mike Healey taking second place. The, by now, traditional breakfast baps were consumed with coffee and for once, everybody remembered to pay. I believe that is a first! Overall an enjoyable morning but it might have been better outside on the course. The weather today and tomorrow does not look good and all bets are off for Thursday.


Seniors - This report dovetails with Stuart's usual report on today's golf (Winter League Round 6 - Final Round). We have done well ...